futurelight phw 710 manual
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futurelight phw 710 manual
Diese Fehlermeldung erscheint, wenn nach dem Reset magnetisch-indizierte Fehlfunktionen vorliegen (Photodiode defekt oder der Magnet fehlt) oder der Steppermotor defekt ist (oder dessen Treiber auf der Hauptplatine). Dabei befindet sich das Zoom nach dem Reset nicht in der Vorgabeposition. You will see you have acquired a powerful and versatile device. Unpack your PHW-710. The arising condensation water might damage your device. Leave the device switched off until it has reached room temperature. Please make sure that there are no obvious transport damages.Keep away children and amateurs. Never leave this device running unattended. OPERATING DETERMINATIONS This device is a moving-head spot for creating decorative effects. This product is only allowed to be operated with an alternating current of 230 V, 50 Hz and was designed for indoor use only. Operate the device only after having become familiarized with its functions. Only install the lamp with the device switched off. Unplug from mains before. For the installation, you need one MSR700 G-22 lamp. The lamp must only be changed when wearing appropriate protective clothing (protection glasses, protection gloves, helmet with sight, leather apron). Due to differences between lamps, fine adjustment may improve light performance. Strike the lamp, open the shutter, set the dimmer intensity onto 100 % and direct the light towards a flat surface (wall).If you have doubts concerning the safety of a possible installation, do NOT install the projector. Before rigging make sure that the installation area can hold a minimum point load of 10 times the projector's weight. Insert the quick-lock fasteners of the first Omega-holder into the respective holes on the bottom of the device. Tighten the quick-lock fasteners fully clockwise.Please note, the starting address depends upon which controller is being used.
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We only sell to commercial customers. All prices without tax. Please make sure java script is enabled.Please wait. For this reason, these cannot be eliminated. Copyright Keep this manual for future needs. Nachdruck verboten! Gardez ce mode d’emploi pour des Reproduction prohibited. Guarde este manual para posteriores usos. Copyright Keep this manual for future needs. Nachdruck verboten! Gardez ce mode d’emploi pour des Reproduction prohibited. Guarde este manual para posteriores usos. Nehmen Sie den PHW-710 aus der Verpackung. Nehmen Sie den PHW-710 aus der Verpackung. Die Lampe darf nur nach Anlegen geeigneter Schutzkleidung (Schutzbrille, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhelm mit Visier, Lederschurz) gewechselt werden.Die Lampe darf nur nach Anlegen geeigneter Schutzkleidung (Schutzbrille, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhelm mit Visier, Lederschurz) gewechselt werden.Da sich die zu verwendenden Lampen von Hersteller zu Hersteller unterscheiden, kann es u. U. notwendig sein, die Position des Lampenhalters nachzujustieren.Da sich die zu verwendenden Lampen von Hersteller zu Hersteller unterscheiden, kann es u. U. notwendig sein, die Position des Lampenhalters nachzujustieren.Der Projektor darf niemals frei schwingend im Raum befestigt werden.Der Projektor darf niemals frei schwingend im Raum befestigt werden.Installieren Sie den zweiten Omega-Halter. Installieren Sie den zweiten Omega-Halter. Unbedingt Bedienungsanleitung des verwendeten Controllers beachten. Unbedingt Bedienungsanleitung des verwendeten Controllers beachten. Die Szenen lassen sich entweder automatisch (AUTO), d.h. mit der eingestellten Step-Time oder musikgesteuert (SOUN) abspielen. Die Szenen lassen sich entweder automatisch (AUTO), d.h. mit der eingestellten Step-Time oder musikgesteuert (SOUN) abspielen. Der aktuelle Kanal wird getestet. Der aktuelle Kanal wird getestet.
Antes de reemplazar el fusible desenchufar el cable de la red.Registrieren Sie sich jetzt. Log in to Search the Forum for help. Learn more about using FreeStyler at the FreeStyler WIKI HERE Learn more about DMX in General at The DMX Wiki HERE if all else fails and you need a fixture consider the fixture building service HERE If you spot a potential Bug please report it HERE first then you can chat about it with other users in the appropriate section.I cant see which dimmer pack we have and which light because they are hanging too high. I made picture in titan what we use. We have some normal pars and led pars and 2 movingh. My question is about the normal pars. They are pluged in in a dimmer pack. Do i need to select in freestyler fixture config the dimmer pack or just the normal par. And one more question i cant finde the fixture for: futurelight PHW 710E. Thank you)) If you do not need Freestyler to turn the dimmer packs on and off then you only need to define a fixture (or fixtures) for the pars. The reason for my question is due to a venue where I manage the lights. There are only 8 DMX controlled circuits run to the ceiling. This does not provide sufficient control. I plug in a dimmer pack to each of these 8 circuits. Each dimmer pack has 4 DMX channels. This provides 32 DMX channels and thus I can control 32 instruments individually instead of only 8. I had to define the 8 channels as a single channel fixture. This allows me to turn the dimmer packs on and off using Freestyler. Then I defined fixtures for each of the 32 channels controlled by the dimmer packs. Hope this helps I dont know which lights that are but not a par 56. But can i select in fixture config. Par 56? Is this the correct manual? Par 56 - do you mean the ADJ Par 56. If the channel configuration of the ADJ Par 56 is the same as the actual instrument you have then, yes, the ADJ Par 56 fixture definition will work.
Only use a stereo shielded cable and 3-pin XLR-plugs and connectors in order to connect the controller with the fixture or one fixture with another. If you set, for example, the address to channel 18, the PHW-710 will use the channel 18 to 34 for control. Please, be sure that you don’t have any overlapping channels in order to control each PHW-710 correctly and independently from any other fixture on the DMX-chain. Browse through the menu by pressing Up or Down. Disp - Display the DMX-value, Reverse display, Shut off LED display - Display the DMX 512 value of each channel. The operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are inspected by a skilled person once a year. Only replace the fuse by a fuse of same type and rating. Before replacing the fuse, unplug mains lead. Procedure: Step 1: Unscrew the fuseholder on the rearpanel with a fitting screwdriver from the housing (anti- clockwise). Sortez le PHW-710 de son emballage. Il se forme de la condensation qui pourrait endommager l'appareil. Avant tout, assurez-vous que l'appareil n'a pas subi de dommages lors de son transport. Toujours mettre hors tension avant de mettre en place l'ampoule. Pour l'installation, vous avez besoin d'une lampe MSR700 G-22.Fixez les cerrage Quick-Lock. Il se peut autrement que les appareil ne fonctionneront pas correctement.Pressez la touche Up ou Down pour mouver dans le menu principal. Desembale su PHW-710.Deje el aparato desconec- tado hasta que llegue a la temperatura ambiente.El proyector nunca debe ser instalado pendiendo libremente en el espacio.Insere los sujetadores Quick-Lock del soporte Omega en los orificios de la parte inferior del aparato. Fijar los sujetadores Quick-Lock. Instale el segundo soporte Omega.Los aparatos no van a funcionar o no van a funcionar correctamente. Por favor, lee el manual del usuario del controlador usado. Reemplazar el fusible por un fusible del mismo tipo.
The channels are in order from top to bottom. The third slider is channel 3. Click, hold and slide all the way to the left. Keep this manual for future needs. FUTURELIGHT.On this page you find all the products from Futurelight.By continuing, you accept the cookie use. More information.Vraag over de Futurelight PHS-200. Zorg voor een duidelijke omschrijving.PHS-200 PRO-Head Spot - FUTURELIGHT - Steinigke Showtechnic. Download the document or ask other users about Futurelight PHS-750E.FUTURELIGHT EUROLITE TS-5 User Manual.Handleiding van een Futurelight product. Hier vindt je de handleiding die je zoekt in onze catalogus met meer dan 300.000 gratis handleidingen. Sie haben hiermit. This is only a part of all available panels. All available panels will be shipped on the product.6.2.1 Auto-read MTZ file; 6.2.2 Reading CIF data; 6.2.3 Reading PHS data This document is the Coot User Manual, giving an overview of the interactive features. In the future this may simply be the same directory in which refmac looks to find (set-add-terminal-residue-n-phi-psi-trials 200) will change the number. Bekijk de handleiding van van de Futurelight PHS-200 meteen gratis op ManualsCat.DJ-SCAN 200 Lighting Equipment pdf manual download. Also for: Dj-scan 250. Lighting Equipment Future light PHS-200 User Manual. Pro-head-spot (71.Future light PHS-200 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Future light PHS-200 User Manual. Sehen Sie sich hier die Bedienungsanleitung des Produktes sofort und kostenlos.The Official FreeStyler DMX Community Support Forum.Pro-Head-Spot. PHS-200 Lighting Equipment pdf manual download.USER MANUAL MODE D'EMPLOI MANUAL DEL USUARIO CP-256 DMX-Controller FUTURELIGHT MIRACLE HMI 1200 W lighting effect 51832092 FUTURELIGHT CC-150 color-changer 51832100.YouTube Premium Loading. Get YouTube without the ads. Working. No thanks 1 month free. Find out why Close. Lyres futurelight phs 200.wmv Marilys123. View online or download Future light DJ-COLOR 200 User Manual.
If the channel configuration of the ADJ Par 56 is different from your instrument(s) then it will not work correctly. I think they are connected to 1 channel on the dimmer pack 4x beamz led pars 64 18x12w You stated that you think they are connected to 1 channel on the dimmer pack. According to the user manual each dimmer pack has a 16 amp maximum capacity. Each channel has a 6.3 amp maximum capacity. It is a 7 channel fixture. The representation in your picture is somewhat confusing. HOWEVER, each fixture definition is defined for 8 channels. The user manual (also attached) does not show a dimmer channel. In Freestyler, you may use any single channel fixture definition for your unnamed pars and your fresnels. Find a fixture where the picture is similar to your instruments. Do you color gel your instruments. In my setup I have fixtures for each of the colors with which I gel the instruments. This helps me when I develop a sequence or, more importantly, when I run live. Thank you so much for your help))) It may be a day or so until I have time to work on it. Please test it and provide feedback. There may be changes that will make using these helpful programming windows easier to use.With one phw its going good but with another its strange when i pan and tilt in freestyler i have a problem with the light. Its like this: moving head doesnt move the light is on than when a move (pan tilt in freestyler) the movinghead the light is going off and than when i stop with moving the light is again on. It just with one moving head the another is working fine. Can you help me? I think its something in the movinghead itselfs but what? I have two of these moving heads. One is okay but this one isnt. I dont know how to turn it off( and next week i have to do light on a show. This should cause the standard Freestyler sliders to appear in the upper right hand corner (if the sliders do not appear try clicking on the blue box with the white arrow).
Procedimi ento: Paso 1: Desat ornill ar de la c aja el portaf usibles del pa nel tras ero co n un des torni llador a decua do (en direccio n contrar ia a las agujas del re loj). Paso 2: Sac ar el fus ible v iejo del portaf usibles. Paso 3: Insta lar el f usible nu evo en el po rtafus ibles. Paso 4: Vol ver a c olocar el portaf usibles en la c aja y atornill arlo. En caso de que necesit e piezas de rep uesto, utilic e piezas origi nales. Cuando e l cable de alim entac ion sea es tropea do, deb e ser r eem plazado por un electr icista par a e vitar peligros p osibles. Si tiene a lguna pregunt a m as, pongase en co ntacto con su d istrib uidor. Stel hier je vraag. Zorg voor een duidelijke en uitgebreide omschrijving van het probleem en je vraag. Hoe beter je probleem en vraag is omschreven, hoe makkelijker het is voor andere Futurelight PHW-575 bezitters om je van een goed antwoord te voorzien. Stel een vraag Over de Futurelight PHW-575 Deze handleiding valt onder de categorie Effect machines en is door 1 mensen gewaardeerd met een gemiddelde van een 7.9. Deze handleiding is beschikbaar in de volgende talen: Engels, Duits, Frans, Spaans. Heeft u een vraag over de Futurelight PHW-575 of heeft u hulp nodig. Stel hier je vraag Futurelight PHW-575 specificaties In onze database zitten meer dan 1 miljoen PDF handleidingen van meer dan 10.000 merken. Elke dag voegen wij de nieuwste handleidingen toe zodat je altijd het product zal vinden wat je zoekt. Het is heel eenvoudig: typ in de zoekbalk de merknaam en het type product en je kan direct de handleiding van je keuze gratis online bekijken. Handleidi. ng Als je deze website blijft gebruiken gaan we ervan uit dat je dat goed vindt. Meer info Ok. Reproduction interdit. Prohibida toda repro duccion. Fur weiteren Gebra uch aufbe wahren. Keep this manual for futur e needs. Gardez ce mode d’e mploi pour d es utilisations ulterieur es. Guarde este manual p ara pos terior es usos.
BEDIENUN GSANL EITUNG USER MAN UAL MODE D'E MPL OI MANUAL DE L US UARIO PHS-200 Pro-Head -Spot Haga su pregunta aqui. Proporcione una descripcion clara y completa del problema y su pregunta. Cuantos mas detalles proporcione para su problema y pregunta, mas facil sera para otros propietarios de Futurelight PHS-200 responder adecuadamente a su pregunta. Haz una pregunta Acerca de Futurelight PHS-200 Este manual pertenece a la categoria Maquinas de efectos y ha sido calificado por 1 personas con un promedio de 9.7. Este manual esta disponible en los siguientes idiomas: Espanol, Ingles, Aleman, Francia. ?Tiene alguna pregunta sobre Futurelight PHS-200 o necesita ayuda. Haz tu pregunta aqui Especificaciones de Futurelight PHS-200 Nuestra base de datos contiene mas de 1 millon de manuales en PDF de mas de 10.000 marcas. Cada dia anadimos los ultimos manuales para que siempre encuentres el producto que buscas. Es muy sencillo: simplemente escriba el nombre de la marca y el tipo de producto en la barra de busqueda y podra ver instantaneamente el manual de su eleccion en linea de forma gratuita. ManualPDF. es Si continua utilizando este sitio asumiremos que esta de acuerdo. Leer mas Estoy de acuerdo.
AtmosFear Hex Jet CenterLine Lighting. CL3 LED Moving Futurelight. Color Wave. WE MOVED!!! New address (effective Feb. 2014).You can find the instructions for mounting the TV stand in the Quick Start VESA MIS-F 200x200, M6 (min.: 15mm, max. blue light on the remote control lights up and the search field 1 - Press TV GUIDE and select a future or ongoing. Do you have a question about the Futurelight DJ-Scan this way other users are able to provide.Futurelight PHS-200 Pro TheStarlightonline. Loading. Unsubscribe from TheStarlightonline. PHW-250 Flood Light pdf manual download. Weitere Produkte aus dem FUTURELIGHT-Sortiment.Keep the instructions handy for future reference. After recording 200 files which exceed 2GB Mobile phones, PHS, TV sets, and radios use different frequencies than the voice recorder.FUTURELIGHT PHS-200 PRO-Head Spot Discolandvideo. - Manual focus Futurelight MH660 - Duration:. Please take notice of the user manuals and latest information which can be downloaded from. FUTURELIGHT PHS-260.FUTURELIGHT ist eine eingetragene Marke der Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH, Deutschland. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, PLEASE READ THIS USER MANUAL CAREFULLY.On this page you find the Futurelight DJ-Scan 600 manual. Do you have a question about the Futurelight DJ-Scan this way other users are able to provide. You can use this tool to change your cookie preferences. Ok Privacy Policy. Fur weiteren Gebra uch aufbe wahren. Keep this manual for futur e needs. BEDIENUN GSANL EITUNG USER MAN UAL PHW- 3 00E Pro -He a d-Wa sh Ovdje postavite svoje pitanje. Navedite jasan i sveobuhvatan opis problema i vaseg pitanja. Sto vise pojedinosti navedete za svoje pitanje i pitanje, lakse je drugim vlasnicima proizvoda PHW-300E trgovacke marke Futurelight pravilno odgovoriti na vase pitanje. Postavite pitanje Informacije o Futurelight PHW-300E Ovaj je prirucnik pod kategorijom, a ocijenio ga je sljedeci broj osoba: 1 prosjecnom ocjenom od 8.4.
Ovaj je prirucnik dostupan na sljedecim jezicima: Engleski, Njemacki. Imate li pitanja u vezi s proizvodom PHW-300E trgovacke marke Futurelight ili vam treba pomoc. Ovdje postavite svoje pitanje Znacajke proizvoda PHW-300E trgovacke marke Futurelight Nasa baza podataka sadrzi vise od milijun PDF prirucnika za vise od 10,000 robnih marki. Svaki dan dodajemo najnovije prirucnike pa cete uvijek pronaci proizvod koji trazite. Vrlo je jednostavno: samo u trazilicu upisite naziv robne marke i vrstu proizvoda i odmah cete vidjeti prirucnik po svom izboru na Internetu, besplatno. Paso 3: Quite l os filtros antipol vos y limpielos. Paso 4: Vuel va a co locar l os filtros anti polvos. Paso 5: Vuel va a co locar l a tapa de la caj a y atornille los torn illos d e fijac ion. ?No manej e este aparat o con la caja ab ierta. Los filtros de c olor dicr oico y las len tes inter nas de ben ser lim piadas c ada 3 m eses. El interior del pr o yector debe ser lim piado a l meno s una ve z al an o util izando u n aspir ador o a ire a pr esion. Las partes r otat ivas deb en ser lubrif icadas c ada 6 m eses para u n f uncion am iento bue no. U tilic e una jer inga con una ag uja f ina para lubrif icar. La cu antida d de ac eite no debe s er exc esiva p ara ev itar que e l ac eite escapa d urante l a rotac ion. Las oper aciones de m antenim iento y servici o debe n ser lle vadas a c abo u nicam ente p or distribu idores autorizado s. No hay piezas que neces iten de ser vicio dentro de l aparato excepto la lam para y el fus ible. L as operaci ones de mant enimiento y ser vicio d eben ser lleva das a ca bo unicam ente por d istribuid ores au tori zados. Reemplaza r el fusible Si la lampara se funde, el fino cable del f usible d el apara to podr ia f undirse t am bien. Reem pla zar el fusi ble por un fus ible de l m ismo tipo. Antes de reempl azar el f usibl e desen chufar el cable d e la red.
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futurelight psx 575 manual
Download Link: ➡ futurelight psx 575 manual
File Name: futurelight psx 575 manual.pdf
Size: 4638 KB
Type: PDF, ePub, eBookCategory: Book
Uploaded: 20 May 2019, 21:30 PM
Rating: 4.6/5 from 838 votes.
Last checked: 10 Minutes ago!
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eBook includes PDF, ePub and Kindle version
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futurelight psx 575 manual
T he op erator m us t therefor e inf orm him self on the c urre nt safet y instruct ions and c onsid er them. Every DMX- channel has a different occupati on with differ ent featur es. T he indi vidual c hanne ls and th eir fea tures are listed under DMX-pr otocol. In this way you can stop the c olour-whe el in an y position.You can set th e num ber of steps under Step. You can e dit the individua l scen es und er Edit. Proteger?de?l'humidite. Debrancher?avant?d’ouvrier?le?boitier! Pour vot re prop re secur ite, v euillez l ire ce mo de d 'emploi avec at tentio n avan t la prem iere mise en service. Il se form e de la condens ati on qui pourrait e ndom m ager l'appare il. Cec i n' est p as du a un def aut de l'a pparei l. A t tention: L’appareil pr oduit d es tem peratur es exces sives. Ass urez-vous que vous envie z l’appare il dans l’etat orig inal. Ne netto yez pas l'appareil avec des produits de ne tto yage trop pu issants ou abr asifs. Com m e les lam pes a utiliser dif ferent d’un f abrican t a l’ autre, i l pourr ait de venir nec essair e de proceder a un nou veau ajustage de la positio n du port e-lam pe. Rac cord X LR 3 poles. Durant le Res et (reinitia lisatio n), les mot eurs s’aj usteront a utom atiquem ent et l ’appare il sera p ret a f onctio nner apr es. Ajuster la tete pe u a peu en po ussant l entem ent le reg ulate ur (0- 255, 12 8-centre. Vous p ouvez def iner le num ero de s teps sous Step. Vous pou vez editer les scenes indivi duelles sous Edit. Avant le remplacem ent du fusi ble deb ranch er l'app areil. P roced ure: Pas 1: Ouvr iez le p orte-f usible au dos de l'appar eil avec un t ournev is et le ret irer du boiti er. La co ndens acion de ag ua produc ida p odria da nar su aparat o. Dej e el apar ato desc onec - tado hasta que lleg ue a la temperatur a am biente. El a parato s olo e s per mitido para un a conexio n con una tens ion alter nati va de 230 V, 50 H z y ha sido dise nado p ara ser usado e n inter iores.
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Reproduction interdit. Prohibida toda repro duccion. Fur weiteren Gebra uch aufbe wahren. Keep this manual for futur e needs. Gardez ce mode d’e mploi pour d es utilisations ulterieur es. Guarde este manual p ara pos terior es usos. BEDIENUN GSANL EITUNG USER MAN UAL MODE D'E MPL OI MANUAL DE L US UARIO PSX-57 5 DMX-Scanner ManualsPDF. ru. BEDIENUN GSANL EITUNG USER MAN UAL MODE D'E MPL OI MANUAL DE L US UARIO PSX-57 5 DMX-Scanner Reproduction interdit. Das dab ei entstehen de Kondens wass er k ann unter Um st anden Ihr G erat zerstor en. Lass en Sie das Ger at sol ange u neingesc halte t, bis es Zimm ert emperatur erreicht hat. Da s ich di e zu verwende nden L am pen von Hers teller zu Hers teller untersc heiden, k ann es u. U. notwend ig sein, die Position des Lam penha lters n achzuj ustieren. Die Stec kver bindung ge ht uber 3-pol ige XLR -Steck er und -Kuppl ungen. Allm ahliches Eins tellen des Kopfes be i lan gsam en Schieben des R eglers (0-255, 128-Mit te). Die An zahl der Steps k onnen Sie unter Step fes tlegen. Dabe i befi ndet sic h das r otierend e Gobo n ach dem Res et n icht in der Vorga bepositi on. 08Er: Fehler am Effek trad. Dam it die Lager der rot ierende n Teile gut f unktionier en, m ussen s ie ca.Keep?this?device?away??from?rain?and?moisture! Unplug?mains?lead?before?opening?the?housing! For your own safe t y, please read thi s u ser manual careful l y before y ou initially start-up. The a rising c onde nsation water m ight d am age your de vice. L eave t he devic e switc hed of f until it h as reac hed room tem per ature. Never le ave this devic e runnin g unatt ended. Due to dif ferenc es between lam ps, fine adjus tm ent ma y im prove light perf orm ance. S trike t he lam p, open th e shutt er, set t he d imm er intensit y onto 100 % and direct the light towards a flat sur face ( wall). The instal latio n mus t alwa ys be secure d with a seconda ry saf et y attachm ent, e.g. an appr opriate catch net.
Make sure thatNever let the power-cord come into contact with other cables. Handle the power-cord and all connectionsNever touch them with wet hands, as this could lead to mortalNever modify, bend, strain mechanically, put pressure on, pull or heat up the power cord. Never operate nextDisregard can lead to power cord damages, fire or mortal electrical shock. The cable insert or the female part in the device must never be strained. There must always be sufficientMake sure that the power-cord is never crimped or damaged by sharp edges. Check the device and theIf extension cords are used, make sure that the core diameter is sufficient for the required powerAll warnings concerning the power cords are also valid for possible extensionAlways disconnect from the mains, when the device is not in use or before cleaning it. Only handle theNever pull out the plug by tugging the power-cord. Otherwise, the cable or plug canIf the power plug or the power switch is not accessible, theIf the power plug or the device is dusty, the device must be taken out of operation, disconnected and then beDust can reduce the insulation which may lead to mortal electrical shock. MoreThere must never enter any liquid into power outlets, extension cords or any holes in the housing of theAlso if the device is stillThere must never be any objects entering into the device. This is especially valid for metal parts. If any metalMalfunction or short-circuits caused by metal parts may cause mortal injuries. During the initial start-up some smoke or smell may arise. This is a normal process and does not necessarilyCaution: During the operation, the housing becomes very hot. Do not switch the device on and off in short intervals as this would reduce the lamp’s life.Keep away children and amateurs! Never leave this device running unattended.This product is only allowed to be operated withThis device is designed for professional use, e.g. on stages, in discotheques, theatres etc.
L a conex ion se ef ectua m edia nte clav ijas y conector es XLR tripol ares. La ocupacion d e la co nexion XLR es: Cuando Vd. D urante e l Res et, los m otor es se ajustan y el apar ato est a listo para s er usad o desp ues. Operacion Stand A l one En el m odo Stan d Alone, Vd.Por ejem plo, Vd. p uede aj ustar la direc cion d e com ienzo, encender y apagar la lampar a, com enzar el program a integrado o un Reset. Antes de reempl azar el f usibl e desen chufar el cable d e la red. Procedimi ento: Paso 1: Abr ir el port afus ibles de l pane l trasero c on u n destor nillador adecu ado. All manuals on ManualsCat.com can be viewed completely free of charge. By using the 'Select a language' button, you can choose the language of the manual you want to view. Nachdruck verboten! Reproduction prohibited! Reproduction interdit! Prohibida toda reproduccion. Fur weiteren Gebrauch aufbewahren! Keep this manual for future needs! Gardez ce mode d’emploi pour desGuarde este manual para posteriores usos.Unplug mains lead before opening the housing! For your own safety, please read this user manual carefully before you initially start-up. Every person involved with the installation, operation and maintenance of this device has toYou will see you have acquired a powerful andUnpack your PSX-575.With a dangerous voltage you can suffer a dangerousThis device has left our premises in absolutely perfect condition. In order to maintain this condition and toImportant. Damages caused by the disregard of this user manual are not subject to warranty. The dealerIf the device has been exposed to drastic temperature fluctuation (e.g. after transportation), do not switch itLeave the device switched offPlease make sure that there are no obvious transport damages.This device falls under protection-class I. The power plug must only be plugged into a protection class IWrong voltages orAlways plug in the power plug last. The power plug must always be inserted without force.
Before replacing the lamp, unplug mains lead and let the lamp cool down (approx. 10 minutes). During the installation do not touch the glass-bulbs bare-handed. Please follow the lamp manufacturer'sDo not install lamps with a higher wattage. Lamps with a higher wattage generate temperatures the deviceDamages caused by non-observance are not subject to warranty. Procedure. Step 1: Unscrew the fixation screws A, B, C of the lamp system and carefully remove it from the housing. Step 2: If replacing the lamp, remove the old lamp from the lamp holder. Step 3: Insert the lamp into the lamp holder. Step 4: Replace the lamp system in the housing and tighten the fixation screws. Step 5: Adjust the lamp as described under lamp adjustment. Do not operate this device with opened cover!Lamp adjustment. The lampholder is aligned at the factory. Due to differencesStrike the lamp, open the shutter, set the dimmer intensity onto 100Center the hot-If you cannot detect a hot-spot, adjustTo reduce a hot-spot, pull the lamp in by turning all three screwsIf the light is brighter around the edge than it is in the center, or if light output is low, the lamp is too far backUnplug from mains before! If you wish to use other forms and patterns as the standard-gobos, or if gobos are to be exchanged, pleaseRemove the fixation-ring with an appropriate tool. Remove the gobo and insert the new gobo. Press theWhen installing metal gobos, please make sure that the mirror-inverted side points to the lamp. WhenNotes! Slot-in gobo-system for exchanging gobos without tools!Overhead rigging. The installation of the projector has to be built and constructed in a way that it can hold 10 times the weightThe installation must always be secured with a secondary safety attachment, e.g. an appropriate catch net.
Lighting effects are not designed for permanent operation. Consistent operation breaks will ensure that theDo not shake the device. Avoid brute force when installing or operating the device. When choosing the installation-spot, please make sure that the device is not exposed to extreme heat,You endanger your own and the safety ofThe symbol - - -mThe minimum distanceThis device is only allowed for suspended installation via the mounting bracket. In order to safeguardMake sure that the area below the installation place is blocked when rigging, derigging or servicing theAlways fix the fixture with an appropriate safety-rope. Only operate the fixture after having checked that the housing is firmly closed and all screws are tightlyThe lamp must never be ignited if the objective-lens or any housing-cover is open, as discharge lamps mayThe maximum ambient temperature Ta. Operate the device only after having become familiarized with its functions. Do not permit operation byMost damages are the result of unprofessional operation! Never use solvents or aggressive detergents in order to clean the device. Rather use a soft and damp cloth. Please use the original packaging if the device is to be transported. Make sure that you pack the device inPlease consider that unauthorized modifications on the device are forbidden due to safety reasons! Never remove the serial barcode from the device as this would make the guarantee void. If this device will be operated in any way different to the one described in this manual, the product may sufferFurthermore, any other operation may lead to dangers like short-Professional scanner with multi-step zoomOverviewUnplug from mains before! The lamp must only be changed when wearing appropriate protective clothing (protection glasses, protectionThe lamp has to be replaced when it is damagedThis is why you need to take notes on theKeep exchanged lamp in a protective container and remove accordingly.
The Control Board allows you to assign the DMX starting address, which is defined as the first channel fromPlease, be sure that you don’t have any overlapping channels in order to control each PSX-575 correctly andIf several PSX-575 are addressed similarly, they will work synchronically. Now you can start operating the PSX-Note. The modes of DMX 512 data and lamp are shown via the display:If there is no data received at. This situation can occur if:Note. It’s necessary to insert the XLR termination plug (with 120 Ohm) in the last lighting in the link in order toIf the lamp is off, the the. DMX-protocol. Control-channel 1 - Horizontal movement (Pan). Push slider up in order to move the head horizontally (PAN). Gradual head adjustment from one end of the slider to the other (0-255, 128-center). The head can be stopped at any position you wish. Control-channel 2 - Vertical movement (Tilt). Push slider up in order to move the head vertically (TILT). The head can be stopped at any position you wish.Control-channel 4 - Colour-wheel. Linear colour change following the movement of the slider. In this way you can stop the colour-wheel in any position.Control-channel 5 - Static gobo-wheel, gobo shakeControl-channel 6 - Rotating gobo-wheel, gobo shakeControl-channel 7 - Rotating gobo index, gobo rotationControl-channel 8 - Rotating 3-facet-prism, macrosControl-channel 10 - Shutter, strobeControl-channel 11 - Dimmer intensityControl-channel 12 - IrisControl-channel 13 - FrostControl-channel 14 - Switching the lamp, Reset, internal programsControl-channel 15 - Pan-movement with 16 Bit-resolution. Control-channel 16 - Tilt-movement with 16 Bit-resolutionControl Board. The Control Board offers several features: you can simply set the starting address, switch on and off theYou can change the selection by pressing Up or Down.The functions provided are described in theDefault settings shaded.
MainSubExtension Display FunctionALON (AU-A) Automatic Program Run in Stand AloneALON (SO-A) Sound-control Program Run in Stand. AloneMasterREST ResetEdit the channels of each sceneMain functionsWith this function, you can adjust the desired DMX-address via the Control Board.With this function, you can define the device as slave.With this function, you can adjust the desired DMX-address via an external controller.If you want to set the starting. If you want to set the. After that, the new starting address isRun - Program Run, Master setting. You can set the number of steps under Step. You can edit the individual scenes under Edit. You can run the individual scenes either automaticallyDisp - Display the DMX-value, Reverse display, Shut off LED displayWith this function you can display the DMX 512 value of each channel. In this setting, the DMX-adjustment ofIf you select “D-14” the display will only show the. DMX-value of the 14With this function you can shut off the LED display after 2 minutes.Lamp - Main menu 1. With this function you can switch the lamp on or off via the Control Board. With this function you can switch the lamp on or off via the power switch. With this function you can switch the lamp on or off via an external controller.With this function you can delay the lamp ignition. In this setting, the lamp will be ignitedIf you select “D-03” the lampWith this function you can reverse the Pan-movement.With this function you can reverse the Tilt-movement. With this function you can switch the device from 16 bit to 8 bit resolution. The channels. PAN Fine and TILT Fine will be disabled.With this function you can adjust the dimming speed. Caution. If several connected devices should be dimmed and there are devices with older software-versions, theWith this function, you can select the desired microphone sensitivity between 0 % and 99 %.With this function, you can select the status for the case that there is no DMX-signal.
This secondary safety attachment must be constructed in a way that no part of the installation can fall downWhen rigging, derigging or servicing the fixture staying in the area below the installation place, on bridges,The operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are approved by anThe operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are approved by anThe operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are approved by aProcedure. The projector should be installed outside areas where persons may walk by or be seated. IMPORTANT! OVERHEAD RIGGING REQUIRES EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE, including (but not limited to)If you lack these qualifications, do not attempt the installation yourself,Improper installation can result in bodily injury and.orThe projector has to be installed out of the reach of people. If the projector shall be lowered from the ceiling or high joists, professional trussing systems have to beCaution: Projectors may cause severe injuries when crashing down. If you have doubts concerning theBefore rigging make sure that the installation area can hold a minimum point load of 10 times the projector'sMount the projector with the mounting-bracket to your trussing system using an appropriate clamp. For overhead use, always install an appropriate safety bond. You must only use safety bonds complying with DIN 56927, quick links complying with DIN 56926, shacklesThe safety bonds, quick links, shackles and thePlease note: for overhead rigging in public or industrial areas, a series of safety instructions have to beThe operator must therefore inform himself on the currentThe manufacturer cannot be made liable for damages caused by incorrect installations or insufficient safetyPull the safety bond through the hole in the mounting-bracket and over the trussing system or a safe fixationThe maximum drop distance must never exceed 20 cm.
A safety bond which already held the strain of a crash or which is defective must not be used again. Adjust the desired inclination-angle via the mounting-bracket and tighten the fixation screws.The wires must not come into contact with each other, otherwisePlease note, the starting address depends upon which controller is being used. Only use a stereo shielded cable and 3-pin XLR-plugs and connectors in order to connect the controller withOccupation of the XLR-connection. If you are using controllers with this occupation, you can connect the DMX-output of the controller directlyIf you wish to connect DMX-controllers with other. XLR-outputs, you need to use adapter-cables. Building a serial DMX-chain. Connect the DMX-output of the first fixture in the DMX-chain with the DMX-input of the next fixture. AlwaysCaution: At the last fixture, the DMX-cable has to be terminated with a terminator. Solder a 120 resistor. Connection with the mains. Connect the device to the mains with the enclosed power supply cable. The occupation of the connection-cables is as follows. Cable Pin International. Brown Live L. Blue Neutral N. The earth has to be connected! If the device will be directly connected with the local power supply network, a disconnection switch with aThe device must only be connected with an electric installation carried out in compliance with the IEC-Lighting effects must not be connected to dimming-packs.During the Reset, the motors areStand Alone operation. In the Stand Alone mode, the PSX-575 can be used without controller. Disconnect the PSX-575 from the controller and call the internal program. Please refer to the instructions under Control Board, Main functions, menus Run and Edit.DMX-controlled operation. You can control the projectors individually via your DMX-controller. Every DMX-channel has a differentThe individual channels and their features are listed under DMX-protocol. Addressing.
You can chooseWith this function, you can adjust the ventilation fan. Rest - Reset. With this function you can Reset the device via the Control Board.With this function you can restore the factory settings of the device. All settings will be set back to theAny edited scenes will be lost. Ver - Software version. With this function you can display the software version of the device.With this function you can adjust the lamp via the Control Board. The shutter opens and the lamp can beWith this function you can test each channel on its (correct) function.With this function, you can calibrate and adjust the effect wheels to their correct positions.With this function you can display the running time of the device.With this function you can display the running time of the lamp.Please clear the lamp time every time youWith this function you can define the number of steps in the. Program Run.For example if theWith this function you can automatically record newFor example if the “XX” is 05, itWith this function you can edit the program to be called upSuch as “C-01”, it means youSuch as “ 11XX”, it stands for channel 11 of the currentFor example, “T002” means you need 0.4 ms (002 x 0.2The number of steps can be defined under “STEP” and the scenes can be called upYou successfully downloaded the first scene. The number of steps can be defined under “STEP” and the scenes can be called upError Messages. When you turn on the fixture, it will make a reset first. The display may show “XXEr” while there areFor example, when the display shows “04Er”, it means there is some error in channel 4. If there areIf the error messages maintain after performing reset more than 3If the fixture has more than 3 errorsThe rotating gobo is not located in the default position after the reset.Zoom error.
This message will appear after the reset of the fixture and if the magnetic-indexing circuitThe operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are inspected by aThe following points have to be considered during the inspection:Disconnect from mains before starting maintenance operation!Please use a moist, lint-free cloth. Never use alcohol orThe lens has to be replaced when it is obviously damaged,The cooling-fans should be cleaned monthly. The gobos may be cleaned with a soft brush. The interior of the fixture should be cleaned at least annuallyThe dichroic colour-filters, the gobo-wheel and the internal lenses should be cleaned monthly. To ensure a proper function of the gobo-wheel, we recommend lubrication in six month intervals. TheThere are no serviceable parts inside the device. Maintenance and service operations are only to be carriedReplacing the fuse. If the fine-wire fuse of the device fuses, only replace the fuse by a fuse of same type and rating. Before replacing the fuse, unplug mains lead. Step 1: Open the fuseholder on the rearpanel with a fitting screwdriver. Step 2: Remove the old fuse from the fuseholder. Step 3: Install the new fuse in the fuseholder. Step 4: Replace the fuseholder in the housing. Should you need any spare parts, please use genuine parts. If the power supply cable of this device becomes damaged, it has to be replaced by a special power supplyShould you have further questions, please contact your dealer.DMX-control-channels: 16. DMX-512-connection: 3-pin XLR. Flash-rate: 13 Hz. Colour-wheel: 8 dichroic filters and open. Static gobo-wheel: 7 gobos and open. Rotating gobo-wheel: 6 gobos and open. Outside diameter of the gobos: 27 mm. Image diameter of the gobos: 23 mm. Dimensions (LxWxH): 800 x 395 x 350 mm. Weight: 29 kg. Maximum ambient temperature Ta. Maximum housing temperature TB. Min.distance from flammable surfaces: 0.5 m. Min.distance to lighted object: 0.5 m. Fuse: T 6.3 A, 250 V.
Accessory. FUTURELIGHT CP-240 controller No. 51834265. FUTURELIGHT DES-3 DMX-terminator 3-pin No. 51834001Perhaps the users of ManualsCat.com can help you answer your question. By filling in the form below, your question will appear below the manual of the Futurelight PSX-575. Please make sure that you describe your difficulty with the Futurelight PSX-575 as precisely as you can. The more precies your question is, the higher the chances of quickly receiving an answer from another user. You will automatically be sent an e-mail to inform you when someone has reacted to your question. Please do not offer the downloaded file for sell only use it for personal usage. Looking for other manual? For this no need registration. May be help you to repair. You could suffer a fatal electrical shock. Instead, contact your nearest service center. Note! To open downloaded files you need acrobat reader or similar pdf reader program. In addition, Also some files are djvu so you need djvu viewer to open them. These free programs can be found on this page: needed progs If you use opera you have to disable opera turbo function to download file. If you cannot download this file, try it with CHROME or FIREFOX browser. Translate this page: Relevant OTHER forum topics: PS2 jatekgep Sziasztok. PS2-es (SCPH-39004) gepet hoztak azzal a hibaval, hogy nem olvassa be a lemezeket.Szetkaptam lemezt forgatja lezer mukodik es fokuszal is persze ennek ellenere meg barmelyik rossz lehet.Sem jatek sem DVD sem CD lemezt nem jatszik le csak azt irja ki, hogy Disc read error.Szerintetek ? Rezgokvarc ertekenek megallapitasa Szervusztok. Tudtok-e nekem javasolni valami egyszeru megoldast, amivel jeloles nelkuli kvarcok erteket tudnam megallapitani. Esetleg valami kvarc teszter kapcsrajza is jo johetne.A tap volt rossz,megoldva. Sziasztok! Elkoszont a settopboxom. Pulzalo tapot latok a szkoppal. Kivettem a fojtot, azaz levalasztottam a terhelest a taprol, es a zarlat megszuntevel a tapfesz stabil.
Jol jonne kapcsolasi rajz a tovabbi hibakereseshez. A hiba az EMASZ ki-bekapcsolasi tranzienseihez kotodik. Remenykedtem, hogy a csak a tap, de az pont meguszta. Gondolom, ha a processzora repult el, olcsobb egy ujat venni.:-(. A segitseget elore is koszonom. Udv. Tropfeherke. Hozza jutottam egy PS2-hoz, ami mukodne, csak az optikai egysege nem olvas. Probalkoztam tisztitassal, beallitassal. CD olvasasra 1-2-szer sikerult ravennem, de DVD-t egyszer sem olvasott be. Nyilvan a ket lezer egyseg nem kompatibilis, de a komplett meghajto atrakhato? Van errol valakinek megbizhato infoja? Elore is koszonom! Gabor. Ui: Ha ez az ut nem jarhato, akkor vallalja itt a tanyan valaki beallitassal egyutt a KHS-400R cserejet? Mennyiert? Valasz: Nem. A ket verzio csoportban mas az alaplap felepitese. A regiekben sajat vezerloje van a meghajtonak, az ujabbikban az alaplap resze. Similar manuals: You can write in English language into the forum (not only in Hungarian). Drucken Sie den Sprengring zusammen und setzen Sie ihn vor das Gobo. Bitte achten Sie beim Einsetzen von Metallgobos darauf, dass die spiegelverkehrte Seite zur Lampe hin zeigt. Wenn Sie Glasgobos einsetzen, achten Sie bitte darauf, dass die beschichtete Seite von der Lampe weg zeigt. Control Board Hauptmenu 0 MODE 1 LAMP 2 SET 3 ADJU 4 TIME 5 EDIT Hinweis. Slot In Gobo-System fur Gobowechsel ohne Werkzeug. Program Run im Stand Alone RUN SOUN MAST (AU-M) ALON (SO-A) Autom. Program Run als Master Musikgesteuerter Program Run Alone MAST (SO-M) Musikgest.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean. The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. We only sell to commercial customers. All prices without tax. Please make sure java script is enabled.For this reason, these cannot be eliminated. Program Run im Stand Alone RUN MAST (AU-M) Autom. Program Run als Master SOUN ALON (SO-A) Musikgesteuerter Program Run Alone MAST (SO-M) Musikgest.
Szenen editieren via externen Controller Rufen Sie jetzt an Ihrem Controller die erste Szene auf. Die erste Szene wurde erfolgreich herunter geladen. Stellen Sie die Step-Time ein wie oben beschrieben. Rufen Sie jetzt an Ihrem Controller die zweite Szene auf. Unbedingt Bedienungsanleitung des verwendeten Controllers beachten. Achtung: Am letzten Projektor muss die DMX-Leitung durch einen Abschlusswiderstand abgeschlossen werden. Die Startadresse ist der erste Kanal, auf den der Projektor auf Signale vom Controller reagiert. Werden mehrere PSX-575 auf eine Adresse definiert, arbeiten sie synchron. Schwenkbewegung (Pan) 180: in 0,85 s Max. Remove the gobo and insert the new gobo. Press the fixation-ring together and insert it in front of the gobo. When installing metal gobos, please make sure that the mirror-inverted side points to the lamp. When installing glas-gobos, please make sure that the coated side points away from the lamp. Notes! Slot-in gobo-system for exchanging gobos without tools. You successfully downloaded the first scene. Adjust the Step-time as described above. Call up the second scene in your controller now. Repeat steps 5-11 until all desired scenes are downloaded. DMX-controlled operation Building a serial DMX-chain: Connect the DMX-output of the first fixture in the DMX-chain with the DMX-input of the next fixture. Always connect one output with the input of the next fixture until all fixtures are connected. Caution: At the last fixture, the DMX-cable has to be terminated with a terminator. Addressing The Control Board allows you to assign the DMX starting address, which is defined as the first channel from which the PSX-575 will respond to the controller. Please, be sure that you don t have any overlapping channels in order to control each PSX-575 correctly and independently from any other fixture on the DMX-chain. If several PSX-575 are addressed similarly, they will work synchronically.
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futurelight phs 710 user manual
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futurelight phs 710 user manual
Addressing The Control Board allows you to assign the DMX starting address, which is defined as the first channel from which the PHS-710 will respond to the controller. If you set, for example, the address to channel 18, the PHS-710 will use the channel 18 to 34 for control. Please, be sure that you don t have any overlapping channels in order to control each PHS-710 correctly and independently from any other fixture on the DMX-chain. If several PHS-710 are addressed similarly, they will work synchronically. Now you can start operating the PHS- 710 via your lighting controller. Note: The modes of DMX 512 data and lamp are shown via the display: 1. After switching on, the device will automatically detect whether DMX 512 data is received or not. This situation can occur if: - the 3 PIN XLR plug (cable with DMX signal from controller) is not connected with the input of the device. - the controller is switched off or defective, if the cable or connector is defective or the signal wires are swap in the input connector. In this way you can stop the colour-wheel in any position.Drucken Sie den User Manual In der folgenden User Manual In der folgenden Anleitung User Manual User Manual. FLAT PAR TRI 5x3W TRI, IR Remote LIG In der folgenden Anleitung erhalten User Manual Diesen konnen Sie auf unserer Internetseite unter www.testo.de downloaden. Kanale System: 24 x Rot, 24 x Grun, 16 x Blau 5mm LEDs (Hi brightness) Strobe-Effekt, von Voltage range (12V): Voltage range (24V): Control range: Hystereses: DMX Controller LightmaXX FORGE 360 Filing system in WinClient The filing system provides an Explorer-like structure in WinClient. The User Manual Anwender-Beschreibung Die Firmware ist eine Software, die auf der IP-Kamera installiert ist und alle Funktionen des Gerates steuert. Nach dem Firmware-Update stehen Ihnen User manual Ab Version Internet: RoboZap MSR Bedienungshandbuch When the POWER LED does not light, you must change the battery for testing.
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Bitte achten Sie beim Einsetzen von Metallgobos darauf, dass die spiegelverkehrte Seite zur Lampe hin zeigt. Wenn Sie Glasgobos einsetzen, achten Sie bitte darauf, dass die beschichtete Seite von der Lampe weg zeigt. Control Board Vorgabewerte grau unterlegt. Program Run im Stand Alone 0 MODE RUN MAST (AU-M) Autom. Program Run als Master SOUN ALON (SO-A) Musikgesteuerter Program Run Alone MAST (SO-M) Musikgest. Die erste Szene wurde erfolgreich herunter geladen. Stellen Sie die Step-Time ein. Rufen Sie jetzt an Ihrem Controller die zweite Szene auf. Unbedingt Bedienungsanleitung des verwendeten Controllers beachten. Achtung: Am letzten Projektor muss die DMX-Leitung durch einen Abschlusswiderstand abgeschlossen werden. Die Startadresse ist der erste Kanal, auf den der Projektor auf Signale vom Controller reagiert. Werden mehrere PHS-710 auf eine Adresse definiert, arbeiten sie synchron. Wenn Daten empfangen werden, erscheint A.001 mit der definierten Startadresse auf dem Display. Werden keine Daten empfangen, blinkt A001 mit der definierten Startadresse. Schwenkbewegung (Pan) 540: in 3,5 s Max. Remove the gobo and insert the new gobo. Press the fixation-ring together and insert it in front of the gobo. When installing metal gobos, please make sure that the mirror-inverted side points to the lamp. When installing glas-gobos, please make sure that the coated side points away from the lamp. Notes! Slot-in gobo-system for exchanging gobos without tools. You successfully downloaded the first scene. Adjust the Step-time. Call up the second scene in your controller now. Repeat above steps until all desired scenes are downloaded. DMX-controlled operation Building a serial DMX-chain: Connect the DMX-output of the first fixture in the DMX-chain with the DMX-input of the next fixture. Always connect one output with the input of the next fixture until all fixtures are connected. Caution: At the last fixture, the DMX-cable has to be terminated with a terminator.
Please consider the EN 60598-2-17 and the respective national norms during the installation. The installation must only be carried out by an authorized dealer. The installation of the projector has to be built and constructed in a way that it can hold 10 times the weight for 1 hour without any harming deformation. The fixture’s base enables to be mounted in two ways.Only use a stereo shielded cable and 3-pin XLR-plugs and connectors in order to connect the controller with the fixture or one fixture with another. If you set, for example, the address to channel 11, the PHS-150 will use the channel 11 to 20 for control. Please, be sure that you don’t have any overlapping channels in order to control each PHS-150 correctly and independently from any other fixture on the DMX-chain. The main menu is accessed by pressing the Enter-button for 3 seconds until the display starts flashing. Browse through the menu by pressing the Up-button. Disp - Display the DMX-value, Reverse display, Shut off LED display - Display the DMX 512 value of each channel. Rest - Reset With this function you can Reset the device via the Control Board. The display may show “XXEr” while there are problems with one or more channels. “XX” stands for the channels equipped with a testing sensor. For example, when the display shows “04Er”, it means there is some error in channel 4. If there are some errors on channel 4, channel 5, channel 6 at the same time, you may see the error message “04Er”, “05Er”,”06Er”. The objective lens will require weekly cleaning as smoke-fluid tends to building up residues, reducing the light-output very quickly. Copyright Keep this manual for future needs. Nachdruck verboten! Gardez ce mode d’emploi pour des Reproduction prohibited. Guarde este manual para posteriores usos.Die Lampe darf nur nach Anlegen geeigneter Schutzkleidung (Schutzbrille, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhelm mit Visier, Lederschurz) gewechselt werden.
Easy Scan XT Mini Document version: Version Date Name Comment 1.00 29.03.2004 J. Klein Compiled Distributed by: idata industrielle Datensysteme Hinweis: Falls Sie nach einem Administrator-Passwort It is always the best to use the latest GSD file since this is downward compatible to older versions. RoboColor System. Bedienungsanleitung Digitale T-Bar T-4 Data acquisition and the evaluation are done automatically. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie policy. We only sell to commercial customers. All prices without tax. Please make sure java script is enabled.Please wait. For this reason, these cannot be eliminated. Copyright Keep this manual for future needs. Nachdruck verboten! Gardez ce mode d’emploi pour des Reproduction prohibited. Guarde este manual para posteriores usos. You will see you have acquired a powerful and versatile device. Unpack your PHS-150. The arising condensation water might damage your device. Leave the device switched off until it has reached room temperature. Please make sure that there are no obvious transport damages.Keep away children and amateurs. Never leave this device running unattended. OPERATING DETERMINATIONS This device is a moving-head spot for creating decorative effects. This product is only allowed to be operated with an alternating current of 220-250 V, 50 Hz and was designed for indoor use only. Operate the device only after having familiarized with its functions. Only install the lamp with the device switched off. Unplug from mains before. For the installation, you need one CDM 150 lamp. The lamp must only be changed when wearing appropriate protective clothing (protection glasses, protection gloves, helmet with sight, leather apron). Due to differences between lamps, fine adjustment may improve light performance. Strike the lamp, open the shutter, set the dimmer intensity onto 100 % and direct the light towards a flat surface (wall).
Please note that heat-sensitive objects may be deformed or damaged by the emitted heat. Make sure that the area below the installation place is blocked when rigging, derigging or servicing the fixture. Only install the lamp with the device switched off. Unplug from mains before.Please follow the lamp manufacturer's notes. Do not install lamps with a higher wattage. Lamps with a higher wattage generate temperatures the device was not designed for. Unplug from mains before. If you wish to use other forms and patterns as the standard-gobos, or if gobos are to be exchanged, please follow the instructions below: CAUTION. Never unscrew the screws of the rotating gobo as the ball bearing will otherwise be opened! The operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are approved by a skilled person once a year. Insert the end in the quick link and tighten the fixation screw. The maximum drop distance must never exceed 20 cm. A safety bond which already hold the strain of a crash or which is defective must not be used again. Only use a stereo shielded cable and 3-pin XLR-plugs and connectors in order to connect the controller with the fixture or one fixture with another. If the device will be directly connected with the local power supply network, a disconnection switch with a minimum opening of 3 mm at every pole has to be included in the permanent electrical installation. This situation can occur if: - the 3 PIN XLR plug (cable with DMX signal from controller) is not connected with the input of the device. Percentage Feature 0 191 00 BF 0% 75% F Frost from 0 to 100 % 192 223 C0 DF 75% 87% F Pulse opening with decreasing speed 224 254 E0 FE 88% 100% F Pulse closing with increasing speed 255 255 FF FF 100%. Browse through the menu by pressing Up or Down. Disp - Display the DMX-value, Reverse display, Shut off LED display - Display the DMX 512 value of each channel. The shutter opens and the lamp can be adjusted.
Da sich die zu verwendenden Lampen von Hersteller zu Hersteller unterscheiden, kann es u. U. notwendig sein, die Position des Lampenhalters nachzujustieren.Bei der Installation sind insbesondere die Bestimmungen der BGV C1 (vormals VBG 70) und DIN VDE 0711-217 zu beachten.Unbedingt Bedienungsanleitung des verwendeten Controllers beachten. Die Belegung der Anschlussleitungen ist wie folgt: Leitung International. Die Szenen lassen sich entweder automatisch (AUTO), d.h. mit der eingestellten Step-Time oder musikgesteuert (SOUN) abspielen. Diese Fehlermeldung erscheint, wenn nach dem Reset magnetisch-indizierte Fehlfunktionen an dem Projektorkopf vorliegen (Photodiode defekt oder der Magnet fehlt) oder der Steppermotor defekt ist (oder dessen Treiber auf der Hauptplatine). Dabei befindet sich der Projektorkopf nach dem Reset nicht in der Vorgabeposition. Keep this device away from rain and moisture. Unplug mains lead before opening the housing. For your own safety, please read this user manual carefully before you initially start-up. Every person involved with the installation, operation and maintenance of this device has to - be qualified - follow the instructions of this manual - consider this manual to be part of the total product. With a dangerous voltage you can suffer a dangerous electric shock when touching the wires. This device has left our premises in absolutely perfect condition. In order to maintain this condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is absolutely necessary for the user to follow the safety instructions and warning notes written in this user manual. Reduced insulation can cause mortal electrical shock. There must never be any objects entering into the device. This is especially valid for metal parts. If any metal parts like staples or coarse metal chips enter into the device, the device must be taken out of operation and disconnected immediately. In order to safeguard sufficient ventilation, leave 50 cm of free space around the device.
View online or download Future light PHS-200 User Manual. Sehen Sie sich hier die Bedienungsanleitung des Produktes sofort und kostenlos.The Official FreeStyler DMX Community Support Forum.Pro-Head-Spot. PHS-200 Lighting Equipment pdf manual download.USER MANUAL MODE D'EMPLOI MANUAL DEL USUARIO CP-256 DMX-Controller FUTURELIGHT MIRACLE HMI 1200 W lighting effect 51832092 FUTURELIGHT CC-150 color-changer 51832100.YouTube Premium Loading. Get YouTube without the ads. Working. No thanks 1 month free. Find out why Close. Lyres futurelight phs 200.wmv Marilys123. View online or download Future light DJ-COLOR 200 User Manual. AtmosFear Hex Jet CenterLine Lighting. CL3 LED Moving Futurelight. Color Wave. WE MOVED!!! New address (effective Feb. 2014).You can find the instructions for mounting the TV stand in the Quick Start VESA MIS-F 200x200, M6 (min.: 15mm, max. blue light on the remote control lights up and the search field 1 - Press TV GUIDE and select a future or ongoing. Do you have a question about the Futurelight DJ-Scan this way other users are able to provide.Futurelight PHS-200 Pro TheStarlightonline. Loading. Unsubscribe from TheStarlightonline. PHW-250 Flood Light pdf manual download. Weitere Produkte aus dem FUTURELIGHT-Sortiment.Keep the instructions handy for future reference. After recording 200 files which exceed 2GB Mobile phones, PHS, TV sets, and radios use different frequencies than the voice recorder.FUTURELIGHT PHS-200 PRO-Head Spot Discolandvideo. - Manual focus Futurelight MH660 - Duration:. Please take notice of the user manuals and latest information which can be downloaded from. FUTURELIGHT PHS-260.FUTURELIGHT ist eine eingetragene Marke der Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH, Deutschland. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, PLEASE READ THIS USER MANUAL CAREFULLY.On this page you find the Futurelight DJ-Scan 600 manual. Do you have a question about the Futurelight DJ-Scan this way other users are able to provide.
You can use this tool to change your cookie preferences. Ok Privacy Policy. A Basic Introduction to Theatre and Entertainment Lighting Equipment Price: Qt Gear Condition Accessories SKR Misc: Convetional lights: (all lamps are without bulbs) Flat access at Stage Level for HGV s, backing directly onto main theatre Loudspeaker system All rights reserved. Chromacore, Chromasic, CK, the CK logo, Color Kinetics, Output Lutron Product Solutions GRAFIK Eye QSG Grafik 4000 LCP Panel Grafik 7000 Quantum HomeWorks Application PL3 LED Luminaire. Features SPECIFICATION SUBMITTAL Drawing on technology and specific insight, Light Design and Specifications Mainstages Often referred to as painting with light, the art requires technical knowledge of film stocks, lighting instruments, color, and diffusion filters, Last Updated: May 1, 2016 Next Update: July 2016 It is designed Elidy combines high-output, calibrated, It is an automated moving head featuring a newly designed CMY color mixing system. The new system offers enhanced, uniform Patent Pending 2 CONTENTS The City Theatrical PDS-750-TR.3 Cautions.3 Compliance Certifications.3 Compatibility MagicQ Compact Series This paper discusses the ways in Please note that this will override all manual settings. Introduction to LQV Display. Content Quality Assurance Suitable for up to 100 people. EMX62M 6 channel 200w Powered If you have any technical Table and Floor 6 Code 8 Cozy 12 Fusion 16 Lounge Table 22 Urban 26 We search for it in the shadow and in our creativity. For twenty years we have created lighting and the philosophy is to continiue creating art of light.
The display shows the DMX value of the edited channel.The rotating gobo-wheel is not located in the default position after the reset. 06Er: (Rotating gobo-wheel error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture if the magnetic-indexing circuit malfunctions(sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its drive circuit on. The gobos may be cleaned with a soft brush. The interior of the fixture should be cleaned at least annually using a vacuum-cleaner or an air-jet. The dichroic colour-filters, the gobo-wheel and the internal lenses should be cleaned monthly. To ensure a proper function of the gobo-wheel, we recommend lubrication in six month intervals. Pour assurer un bon fonctionnement, sans danger, l'utilisateur doit suivre les instructions contenues dans ce mode d'emploi.Toujours mettre hors tension avant de mettre en place l'ampoule.Fixez les cerrage Quick-Lock.Pressez la touche Up ou Down pour mouver dans le menu principal. Le shutter ouvre et vous pouvez ajuster la lampe individuellement.Este aparato ha salido de nuestro establecimiento en absolutas perfectas condiciones.Por favor, lee el manual del usuario del controlador usado. El shutter se abre y Vd.La pantalla indica el valor DMX del canal a editar.Las partes rotativas deben ser lubrificadas cada 6 meses para un funcionamiento bueno. Registrieren Sie sich jetzt. Log in to Search the Forum for help. Learn more about using FreeStyler at the FreeStyler WIKI HERE Learn more about DMX in General at The DMX Wiki HERE if all else fails and you need a fixture consider the fixture building service HERE It is Very hard to make fixtures for people when we don't have the same light at hand to test it with after all having the light in front of you makes programing so much easier. That's why we will help but rarely build any fixtures for you. You Alone are the best person to build your fixtures if you need help ask if you want it building for you Don't.
or alternativaly if your willing to pay for fixtures to be created then go here:.My created Fixtures don't work. Please help me!!! Below you can find the DMX-Protocol. Thank you for help! cfoss 00006928.XLS. During the Reset, the motors are Every DMX-channel has a different In order to call up the different features, you first have to ignite the lamp If there is no data received at the. By using Osta.ee you accept cookies. Read more To continue choose suitable username and enter your e-mail address Please go and click the link so we can finish your account Have a wonderful time with us To allow push notifications click on lock icon on the left of your URL bar and allow notifcations manually Assign search agent. Keep this manual for future needs. FUTURELIGHT.On this page you find all the products from Futurelight.By continuing, you accept the cookie use. More information.Vraag over de Futurelight PHS-200. Zorg voor een duidelijke omschrijving.PHS-200 PRO-Head Spot - FUTURELIGHT - Steinigke Showtechnic. Download the document or ask other users about Futurelight PHS-750E.FUTURELIGHT EUROLITE TS-5 User Manual.Handleiding van een Futurelight product. Hier vindt je de handleiding die je zoekt in onze catalogus met meer dan 300.000 gratis handleidingen. Sie haben hiermit. This is only a part of all available panels. All available panels will be shipped on the product.6.2.1 Auto-read MTZ file; 6.2.2 Reading CIF data; 6.2.3 Reading PHS data This document is the Coot User Manual, giving an overview of the interactive features. In the future this may simply be the same directory in which refmac looks to find (set-add-terminal-residue-n-phi-psi-trials 200) will change the number. Bekijk de handleiding van van de Futurelight PHS-200 meteen gratis op ManualsCat.DJ-SCAN 200 Lighting Equipment pdf manual download. Also for: Dj-scan 250. Lighting Equipment Future light PHS-200 User Manual. Pro-head-spot (71.Future light PHS-200 Pdf User Manuals.
For your own safety, please read this Information and Technical Specifications Please read and follow these instructions carefully and keep this manual Entertainment lamps Now widely regarded as the most influential range of Light Design and Specifications Mainstages Selador D22 Highly efficient primary lenses and careful color choices make the fixture ideal for stage, As of February 2006. Specifications subject to change without notice. Specifications subject to change without notice. Specifications Power supply Power consumption Optical system CD panel Panel size Display method LED Accessories. LED Power Supply MagicQ software has the MagicVis visualiser combined into it - just open the Visualsier Galaxy Note III Round Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Our meeting packages provide easy audio visual solutions that make presenting a breeze. The meeting rooms at Meydenbauer Center LIGHT BIGGER. With a rich history unsurpassed by any in the industry, Philips Strand Lighting and Philips Selecon offer the most comprehensive and competitive range of luminaires, Smart Move Jr. DMX Simple Single Smart Move Jr. DMX Simple Single Table 0f Contents Introduction 2 Product Description 2 Safety Information 3 Gobo Installation 4 Operating For your own safety and knowledge, please read this manual before installing or operating the device. PL House Light LED Luminaires. Features SPECIFICATION SUBMITTAL Drawing on technology and specific insight, nurtured and developed with in the Philips Entertainment To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie policy. Register yourself now and be a part of our community! It is recommended to create a new thread instead. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.
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future wars manual pdf
Run In Browser Download Manual Submit review. Future Wars is a third-person sci-fi point and click game released in 1989 for the PC,.A 1:1 skirmish system covering anything from corporate troops, street gangs, zombies and alien bugs to predators. Battle it out on the proving grounds and get ready for Future Wars. Similar to classic titles such as Advance Wars and Battle Isle, the game takes strategy.MS-DOS adventure game on CD-ROM. User Manual: An intuitive and clear set of rules and an appealing story line helped titles such.Future Wars - Time Travellers Instruction Manual GAME MANUAL. Years War or to end all Wars.Future Wars, subtitled in Europe as Time Travellers and in North America as Adventures in. According to later references, the game starts in 1989 (also when Future Wars was first retailed). The player character is not given a name throughout. Little Wars is a set of rules for playing with toy soldiers, written by English novelist H. G. Wells in 1913. The book, which had a full title of Little Wars: a game for boys from twelve. If you're a young. in the rest of this manual. If you can just get them to. Select the game you want to load, Now all future saves will automatically use this. Buy Future Wars Steam game key on HRK with best price.Car Wars is the game of the freeways of the future, where the right of way goes to the. Check out the latest errata of the rules. Not only are the townspeople required to do ten hours of organized manual. New York journalist, is wounded while taking part in an all-too-realistic war game.German keystone manual, Die Truppenfuhrung (“Troop. Note: some manuals are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, which makes them perfect for punching, printing. This is intentional, as the mechanisms of “At. A game we played in the 80s might have terrible rules and a. laws set by the Computer, which rules over a future society living in a giant dome. West End Games produced the first Star Wars RPG in 1987, and it's the game.
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The player starts the game as a window cleaner who is in the middle of cleaning the outside of a skyscraper, which is evidently part of a bustling metropolis. The game takes the player to the middle ages, where the hero has the chance to jeopardize an alien plot to plant a long-delay time bomb and where he meets Lo'Ann, a special agent from the future sent there to do just that. There was a special key to slow the speed down during that arcade shot-out sequence but I don?t remember it. It?s written down in the manual which I don?t have. Maybe somebody can help me out here. Cheers! Cas Oh crap!! I was searching this one. We don't have the manual on site, so approved for Extras section With or without watermark. Adventures in Time for Atari ST by Interplay, -, screenshot, dump, ads, commercial, instruction, catalogs, roms, review, scans, tips, video. Musician(s). The security code for future wars.Simply copy the contents of both disks to a game folder on HD. Also published on Amiga and Atari ST, this adventure game is abandonware and is set in. Pixel hunting is a very frequent sport in Future Wars, making the game. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us. The gameplay of Future Wars was unforgiving - the game suffered from an. 1989. Publisher: Interplay Productions, Inc. Future Wars - Cover Art. Manual:. The game manual is included inside both packs and is accessible from the. So are their any plans on in the near future of making the scenario. Future Wars is a graphic adventure game, and the first to use Delphine's. to a color-coded picture on the back of the manual and asks them which color it is. Future Wars (orig. Les Voyageurs du Temps: la Menace), is the first game to use Delphine Software's Cinematique evo1 engine. In this game, a. Time Travellers - Future Wars is traveling through time; the past, present and the future. Easy control. Future Wars - Time Travellers is a single player adventure game. Future.
Big data war gaming is a way the Army can grab hold of the big data revolution and apply it to. Always save this book for future reference.Game Screenshots:. Get the complete experience of GOD WARS Future Past with new content and over. If we don't act now, all future wars may be as horrific as Aleppo. This was done by sticking to the US military's rules of engagement, not. How Fiction Can Reveal the Horrors of Future Wars.What will the future wars look like?. The team designed a short manual game where subject-matter experts were asked to manage a conflict. Facebook has amped up its support for game developers—as well as game.Watch the video for instructions. More content may be available in future downloads.This social programming manual set out the strategies and the goals of the world rulers. Consequently, in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquillity,.A review of Storage Wars: The Game and an explanation of how to play the. So, in future games we will probably give each player four or five.Countries must agree strict rules on 'killer robots' - autonomous weapons.A handbook doesn't have to read like an instruction manual. Here's how to get employees hooked from page one. Future games in the series will include the Hof Gap defense, the German Northern Plains defense.The Army's leadership manual uses the word motivate 3 times and motivation 6 times. You play as Conrad Hart, a government agent in The Future. Using a. All There in the Manual: A comic outlining the backstory was included with the manual. The Empire has misplaced the building instructions to the Death Star. Jyn Erso has followed an. Guild Wars 2 is an online role-playing game with fast-paced action combat. Tyria is irrevocably shaped by its past, and you play a crucial role in its future. Future updates to these instructions will be released via this page as well. Future wars will see hackers using computer code to attack an enemy's.
Well, maybe that's a bit strong, but Future Wars certainly offers one of the oddest first steps I've ever seen in a game. There's no real backstory. Immerse yourself in the ultimate Star Wars video game experience with Star Wars Battlefront. Now available for. The Future of STAR WARS Battlefront in 2017. In a future world of high tech two dice in each of 5 colors represent.In this game you must constantly balance personal advancement against the. Special rules even allow you to play this in conjunction with The Republic of.Battle Chess and Dragon Wars are trademarks of Interplay Productions. Manual by:. Results 1 - 21 of 21. Just added 500 game manuals for the Atari ST. Future Wars - Time Travellers; Future Wars; G.Nius; Ghostbusters II (Hit Squad); Ghostbusters. Most games usually have a pdf manual either in the game folder or available.Warfare is an inescapable part of the Star Wars universe, from the blow dealt to the. Star Wars: Legion invites you to join the unsung battles of the Galactic Civil. Support. Rules. 7.6 MB Star Wars: Legion Learn to Play 15 Jun 2018 8.7 MB Hybrid Wars lets you command and upgrade your own arsenal of futuristic.Summoner Wars is the exciting card game of fantastic battlefield combat that puts you in the grandiose role of a Summoner. Strategy. Golden Geek Ludo IGA Expansion New Designer Small Publisher Game of the Year. All Mali chip devices will be supported in a future update. Click here to download the game rules.Unseen Ones. Game Experience May Change. During Online. Little Wars continues to be influential on modern gaming: the book has.The game requires an installed A500 Kickstart 1.3 image. The kickstart image. In addition to presenting the rules, it lays out a path for learning the game. Whether through art, religion, wonders, or even aggressions and wars, a civilization needs to. A events are gone, the future events will become the new current. Necessary for Winning Future Wars.
Instructions for WiiWare and Virtual Console games can be viewed while you are playing the game through your Wii console.Nintendo of America Inc. Headquarters are in Redmond, Washington. October 2015 An essential workbook for newcomers ( PDF, 2.12 MB ) April 2016 March 2012 The new version will be available this summer. If required, copies of some of IRCC’s publications may be ordered subject to availability through Gilmore Global Logistics Services, a third party supplier. It is not authorized to provide information or advice on other services, such as forms or application status. If you require assistance on topics that are not related to publications, visit the Help Centre. For enquiries, contact us. The Secretary has certain powers and responsibilities under the FOI Act. For example, the Secretary may approve arrangements for decision-making under the Act and may arrange for the conduct of internal reviews, applied for under section 54 of the FOI Act, of decisions made on FOI requests. The document articulates the Secretary and Chief of the Defence Force's joint vision for Defence. For the Supernatural episode, see Jus in Bello (Supernatural). Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources. ( July 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Courts and Tribunals Laws of war define sovereignty and nationhood, states and territories, occupation, and other critical terms of international law.The earliest known instances are found in the Mahabharata and the Old Testament ( Torah ).One should not assail someone in distress, neither to scare him nor to defeat him. War should be waged for the sake of conquest; one should not be enraged toward an enemy who is not trying to kill him. You may eat from them, but you shall not cut them down.After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14 But if you no longer delight in her, you shall let her go where she wants.
This work has formed the basis of the Tallinn Manual, a textbook. The game aimed to help develop guidelines to be used in such a real-life crisis,.LIVING RULES. In the War portion of the game, it is US versus THEM (Athens versus Sparta), where.The StarCraft II: Field Manual will provide you with an in-depth view of the threats.Being a big fan of Star Wars and dinosaurs as a little kid has to be the. Choose Base. Star Wars: Rebellion is played over a number of game rounds. It was a game that was so far ahead of its time that many of today's releases still. I had Flashback, Out of the World and Future Wars for a couple of.I knew one day I would rules the Empire. And did so by. Please retain this information for future reference. The one Token refill will continue past the manual refill limit as long as you are.Future Wars Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and.Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords (Video Game 2004). In a technologically advanced future, an elite human soldier takes command of a prototype star ship. In the future, wars will not be fought over natural resources, like oil or. This was the first game in the series to include multiplayer capabilities over the Internet or over an LAN. Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II takes place a year after the second Death Star has been destroyed.List of future books. Read all safety information and operating instructions before using R2-D2 to avoid injury. Retain the safety and operating instructions for future reference. Just war theory deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought.The end game and hence the jus post bellum certainly merit attention before the. Dr Who, Back to the Future, Star Wars and Jurassic Park as Ikea manuals. This box contains a complete 2 player game with rules and 128 cards. Star Realms Colony Wars is fully compatible with the Star Realms Core set. Forge your future with the men, women, and gelatinous goo monsters that lead the galaxy.
The Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education adopted by the Committee of Ministers in 2010 calls upon the member states to provide every person within their territory with the opportunity of education for democratic citizenship and human rights education, by all means of education, including non-formal education. It also recognises the irreplaceable role of non-governmental organisations and youth organisations in this process. Too many young people look at the future with apprehension and fear instead of confidence. The human rights framework of the Council of Europe provides youth policy and youth work with an ethical and normative ground within which the rights and responsibilities of young people should be addressed. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. This list is generated based on data provided by CrossRef. SSRN Electronic Journal,Vol. 31. Issue. 4,International Review of the Red Cross. Vol. 99. Issue. 904,Vol. 47. Issue.,Vol. 12. Issue. 1,Buffie, Jordan. McKay, SpencerMoscrop, DavidSSRN Electronic Journal,Rowe, NeilInternational Review of the Red Cross. Vol. 100. Issue. 907-909,Vol. 32. Issue. 1,Ohlin, Jens DavidVol. 32. Issue. 4,Frau, RobertSinger, TassiloReeves, FParker, PJournal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. Vol. 164. Issue. 4,Contemporary Security Policy. Vol. 40. Issue. 3,The product of a three-year follow-on project by a new group of twenty renowned international law experts, it addresses such topics as sovereignty, state responsibility, human rights, and the law of air, space, and the sea. Tallinn Manual 2.0 identifies 154 'black letter' rules governing cyber operations and provides extensive commentary on each rule. Although Tallinn Manual 2.0 represents the views of the experts in their personal capacity, the project benefitted from the unofficial input of many states and over fifty peer reviewers.
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He also laid down rules against environmental harm to trees and slaying of the enemy's animals:Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food.Augustine of Hippo contradicted this and wrote about ' just war ' doctrine, in which he explained the circumstances when war could or could not be morally justified.The impulse to restrict the extent of warfare, and especially protect the lives and property of non-combatants continued with Hugo Grotius and his attempts to write laws of war.Such customary international law is established by the general practice of nations together with their acceptance that such practice is required by law. These laws define both the permissive rights of states as well as prohibitions on their conduct when dealing with irregular forces and non-signatories.In some countries, like the United States, weapons are reviewed prior to their use in combat to determine if they comply with the law of war and are not designed to cause unnecessary suffering when used in their intended manner.Generally speaking, the laws require that belligerents refrain from employing violence that is not reasonably necessary for military purposes and that belligerents conduct hostilities with regard for the principles of humanity and chivalry.Impersonating enemy combatants by wearing the enemy's uniform is allowed, though fighting in that uniform is unlawful perfidy, as is the taking of hostages.That is, a commander can be held liable in a court of law for the improper actions of his or her subordinates.Once they land in territory controlled by the enemy, they must be given an opportunity to surrender before being attacked unless it is apparent that they are engaging in a hostile act or attempting to escape.
This prohibition does not apply to the dropping of airborne troops, special forces, commandos, spies, saboteurs, liaison officers, and intelligence agents. Thus, such personnel descending by parachutes are legitimate targets and, therefore, may be attacked, even if their aircraft is in distress.In fact, engaging in war activities under a protected symbol is itself a violation of the laws of war known as perfidy.Parties are bound by the laws of war to the extent that such compliance does not interfere with achieving legitimate military goals. For example, they are obliged to make every effort to avoid damaging people and property not involved in combat or the war effort, but they are not guilty of a war crime if a bomb mistakenly or incidentally hits a residential area.The use of contracted combatants in warfare has been an especially tricky situation for the laws of war.At its session in Geneva in 1874 the Institute of International Law appointed a committee to study the Brussels Declaration of the same year and to submit to the Institute its opinion and supplementary proposals on the subject.Never went into effect. Retrieved 2019-03-07. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Responding to new challenges posed to human rights is a permanent challenge for the Council of Europe. However, human rights cannot be implemented through legal processes alone. Human rights are best respected, protected and appreciated when all of us understand them, stand up for them and apply them in our actions. This is especially relevant to children and young people. Human rights education is in itself a right, enshrined in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Here’s how leaders can chart a course for their organizations and guide their teams through tumultuous times. Here’s how leaders can chart a course for their organizations and guide their teams through tumultuous times. It was a rather long one, with several aftershocks. I remember distinctly that people in the theater seemed to fall naturally into one of three groups: Some panicked and moved chaotically, unsure what to do or where to go. Some remained calm and moved to the emergency exits, just as the preshow announcement had suggested they should. And some hardly moved at all. Instead they implored others to calm down and go back to watching the movie. This crisis is a shock different from an earthquake, to be sure, but it’s still a shock, and I’ve seen friends, family members, and workers at the companies I consult with experience reactions similar to those in the theater. Some have struggled to cope. Some have done what they can with the guidance they have. And some want others to calm down and continue with business as usual. This is not a time to check the policy manual or to robotically “copy all” with messages about thoughts and prayers. This is a time to help each individual with his or her particular grief. In late March, as the situation in the United States escalated rapidly, I was interviewed by HBR about grief and the pandemic. We addressed the collective anxiety over the loss of control, the radical change in how we were living, the anticipatory grief we felt as we imagined future job losses and possibly the death of loved ones. The interview struck a deep chord as it was shared across the world. It spurred countless notes of gratitude from doctors, nurses, other essential workers, and people from all walks of life. The reaction was a reminder that what people need first to deal with this trauma is to name what they feel so that they can start to manage it.
They are adapted from her landmark work in the late 1960s on the five stages of dying: denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, and acceptance. Together she and I applied them to grief. It is imperative to recognize that these stages are not linear; they don’t happen in predictable time frames; you may experience all or only some of them. They are not a map of grief but, rather, a reference guide so that when you do have one of these feelings, you can identify it and manage it. Not everyone will be at the same stage at the same time. Employees, leaders, managers, and organizations need to recognize this. If people seem unusually angry, we should give them space and exercise patience. They are grieving. Someone who questions the pandemic statistics may be in denial—and grieving. A peculiarity of modern life is that we have feelings about our feelings. We may feel sadness and then tell ourselves we shouldn’t be sad—that others have suffered more. We do this with many emotions. Ultimately it doesn’t work. Allowing yourself to experience the stages of grief—to let feelings move through you—is how you get to that fifth stage: acceptance. There, unsurprisingly, is where the power is. In acceptance we regain control, because we are no longer fighting the truth. This awful thing has happened. Now what? My primary message to them is: Avoid blanket policies; don’t think that all employees need the same support. And recognize that we grieve other losses as well as the loss of health or life. First are the worried well. They’re healthy. They haven’t experienced sickness around them, but they are concerned. They may still be grieving losses of work, of normalcy, of opportunities and events. Work projects they were passionate about. Weddings. Holiday gatherings. Vacations and trips. Students are losing activities that fulfill them; seniors are grieving the loss of the capstones to their academic careers: graduations, proms, and other ceremonies.
Those are legitimate losses that create grief. Within this group are minimizers and maximizers. Minimizers cope by denying the severity of the situation or hoping deeply, nervously, for the best. Maximizers imagine the sky is falling. The truth lies somewhere between the two points of view. Work helps each group balance their minds. These people haven’t just imagined trauma—they’ve experienced it. They will benefit from accommodation and validation. Some may need counseling and other support mechanisms. They have lost a loved one, are grieving a death, and will be dealing directly with the five stages. Many of them will be far from acceptance. Making them aware that the groups exist helps as well: They can be sensitive to different experiences. You don’t want a worried well minimizer saying, “So we had to work from home for a couple of months—so what?” in a group that may include colleagues who were sick or who are grieving a death. When I work with companies, I tell them that if someone is grieving a loss, that is a powerful opportunity to engage them. What keeps people in jobs and dedicated is not their compensation packages or a project they worked on. It’s “When my loved one died, my boss did this very thoughtful thing.” Or “When I got very sick, the company supported me throughout.” Or “They checked on me during a crisis.” One worker I spoke with had a loved one who became ill. His boss called—not to ask when he’d be back to work but, rather, to ask how the loved one was doing. As work returns to normal, how will they treat their employees. What did they learn. Can they turn post-traumatic stress into post-traumatic growth? (For more on this, see “ Growth After Trauma.”) Are they mistakenly “ramping back up” by asking “How can we return to the routine?” or “How can we make up for lost time and revenue?” Or will leaders invite workers into their offices and ask, “How are you doing today?” and “How can I support you?” Engagement comes from the latter.
People started viewing them as “five easy steps to grief,” but she and I would tell you there’s nothing easy about them. Late in her life we talked about how acceptance had taken on a kind of finality in the grief process that neither of us had intended. Some people believed that if they reached acceptance, they were finished. We talked informally about stages beyond acceptance—hope, maybe, or finding meaning after grief. I started to write a little about what came after acceptance. I canceled everything and stayed home for weeks. It felt as brutal as I could ever have imagined. Eventually I came across the writing I had done on meaning. It didn’t take the pain away, but it did provide a cushion. I started to talk with others who’d experienced similar grief, and they echoed what I felt. I started to notice that people who felt stuck in grief were those who were unable to find meaning. I began to see meaning as the sixth stage of grief. I believe that many of us will be looking for this sixth stage in the wake of the pandemic. Rather, meaning is what you find, and what you make, after it. That won’t make a loss seem worth the cost. It will never be worth the cost. But meaning can heal painful memories and help us keep moving forward. Rituals of remembrance can bring meaning. Gratitude is a form of meaning: I’ve found myself in awe of, and thanking, workers in essential services who persevere through this crisis, many of them risking their health for low wages. Turning the loss into something positive for others can bring meaning. Meaning comes in moments and actions that heal, even if just a little. It will be personal (only you can find your own meaning). And it doesn’t have to be profound. In my book Finding Meaning, I tell the story of Marcy, a woman who lost her father. One day she was buying stamps, and the man behind the desk asked what kind she wanted and showed her a bunch of designs.
Marcy didn’t really care until she noticed that one set had a picture of the entertainer Danny Thomas on them. She and her father used to love to watch The Danny Thomas Show together. It was a favorite memory. So Marcy chose those stamps. She didn’t frame them or revere them; she used them. When she paid a bill or sent a letter, she could remember her father fondly. She had created meaning. When we grapple with loss, we tend to think of it as a test of our fortitude and our ability to escape from the feelings the loss creates. But loss just happens. There’s no test—there’s just grieving. Meaning is what we make happen after. I’ve found some meaning already. For me, writing articles like this one helps create meaning. Does it make experiencing a pandemic worth it. Absolutely not. But it is healing. That doesn’t mean we forget, or that damage didn’t occur; it means that damage no longer controls our lives. If we acknowledge that in this crisis, in our work, something meaningful happened for us and others, we are healing. We are moving forward in our grief. I hope that work becomes a place where people find it—where coworkers support one another and where managers take care of their workers and allow them to grieve. It will be remembered as an extraordinarily difficult time. But the slow process of returning to a new normal—of naming our grief, helping one another reach acceptance, and finding meaning—will continue. For leaders that moment will be an opportunity. As a leader, how can you prepare for an unpredictable future while managing the urgent demands of the present? One important element of the practice is scenario planning, which helps leaders navigate uncertainty by teaching them how to anticipate possible futures while still operating in the present. And in the midst of a global pandemic, answering it has never felt more urgent.
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futurelight phs 260 user manual
In order to maintain this condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is absolutely necessary for the user to follow the safety instructions and warning notes written in this user manual. Reduced insulation can cause mortal electrical shock. There must never be any objects entering into the device. This is especially valid for metal parts. If any metal parts like staples or coarse metal chips enter into the device, the device must be taken out of operation and disconnected immediately. In order to safeguard sufficient ventilation, leave 50 cm of free space around the device. Please note that heat-sensitive objects may be deformed or damaged by the emitted heat. Make sure that the area below the installation place is blocked when rigging, derigging or servicing the fixture. Only install the lamp with the device switched off. Unplug from mains before.Please follow the lamp manufacturer's notes. Do not install lamps with a higher wattage. Lamps with a higher wattage generate temperatures the device was not designed for. Unplug from mains before. If you wish to use other forms and patterns as the standard-gobos, or if gobos are to be exchanged, please follow the instructions below: CAUTION. Never unscrew the screws of the rotating gobo as the ball bearing will otherwise be opened! The operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are approved by a skilled person once a year. Insert the end in the quick link and tighten the fixation screw. The maximum drop distance must never exceed 20 cm. A safety bond which already hold the strain of a crash or which is defective must not be used again. Only use a stereo shielded cable and 3-pin XLR-plugs and connectors in order to connect the controller with the fixture or one fixture with another.
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We only sell to commercial customers. All prices without tax. Please make sure java script is enabled.Please wait. For this reason, these cannot be eliminated. Copyright Keep this manual for future needs. Nachdruck verboten! Gardez ce mode d’emploi pour des Reproduction prohibited. Guarde este manual para posteriores usos.Die Lampe darf nur nach Anlegen geeigneter Schutzkleidung (Schutzbrille, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhelm mit Visier, Lederschurz) gewechselt werden.Da sich die zu verwendenden Lampen von Hersteller zu Hersteller unterscheiden, kann es u. U. notwendig sein, die Position des Lampenhalters nachzujustieren.Bei der Installation sind insbesondere die Bestimmungen der BGV C1 (vormals VBG 70) und DIN VDE 0711-217 zu beachten.Unbedingt Bedienungsanleitung des verwendeten Controllers beachten. Die Belegung der Anschlussleitungen ist wie folgt: Leitung International. Die Szenen lassen sich entweder automatisch (AUTO), d.h. mit der eingestellten Step-Time oder musikgesteuert (SOUN) abspielen. Diese Fehlermeldung erscheint, wenn nach dem Reset magnetisch-indizierte Fehlfunktionen an dem Projektorkopf vorliegen (Photodiode defekt oder der Magnet fehlt) oder der Steppermotor defekt ist (oder dessen Treiber auf der Hauptplatine). Dabei befindet sich der Projektorkopf nach dem Reset nicht in der Vorgabeposition. Keep this device away from rain and moisture. Unplug mains lead before opening the housing. For your own safety, please read this user manual carefully before you initially start-up. Every person involved with the installation, operation and maintenance of this device has to - be qualified - follow the instructions of this manual - consider this manual to be part of the total product. With a dangerous voltage you can suffer a dangerous electric shock when touching the wires. This device has left our premises in absolutely perfect condition.
La pantalla indica el valor DMX del canal a editar.Las partes rotativas deben ser lubrificadas cada 6 meses para un funcionamiento bueno. Registrieren Sie sich jetzt. Prohibida toda reproduc cion. Fur weiteren Gebrauch aufb ewahren. Keep this manual for future needs. Gardez ce mode d’e mploi pour des utilisations ulterieures. Guarde este ma nual para posteriores us os. BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG USER MANUAL MODE D'EMPLOI MANUAL DEL USUARIO DJ-SCAN 260 DMX-Scanner Ask your question here. Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the issue and your question. The more detail you provide for your issue and question, the easier it will be for other Futurelight DJ-Scan 260 owners to properly answer your question. Ask a question About the Futurelight DJ-Scan 260 This manual comes under the category Effect machines and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7.4. This manual is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish. Do you have a question about the Futurelight DJ-Scan 260 or do you need help. Ask your question here Futurelight DJ-Scan 260 specifications ManualSearcher.com ensures that you will find the manual you are looking for in no time. Our database contains more than 1 million PDF manuals from more than 10,000 brands. Every day we add the latest manuals so that you will always find the product you are looking for. It's very simple: just type the brand name and the type of product in the search bar and you can instantly view the manual of your choice online for free. ManualSearcher. com If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Read more Ok. The main menu is accessed by pressing the Enter-button for 3 seconds until the display starts flashing. Browse through the menu by pressing the Up-button. Press the Enter-button in order to select the desired menu. You can change the selection by pressing the Up-button. Confirm every selection by pressing the Enter-button.
If the device will be directly connected with the local power supply network, a disconnection switch with a minimum opening of 3 mm at every pole has to be included in the permanent electrical installation. This situation can occur if: - the 3 PIN XLR plug (cable with DMX signal from controller) is not connected with the input of the device. Percentage Feature 0 191 00 BF 0% 75% F Frost from 0 to 100 % 192 223 C0 DF 75% 87% F Pulse opening with decreasing speed 224 254 E0 FE 88% 100% F Pulse closing with increasing speed 255 255 FF FF 100%. Browse through the menu by pressing Up or Down. Disp - Display the DMX-value, Reverse display, Shut off LED display - Display the DMX 512 value of each channel. The shutter opens and the lamp can be adjusted. The display shows the DMX value of the edited channel.The rotating gobo-wheel is not located in the default position after the reset. 06Er: (Rotating gobo-wheel error) This message will appear after the reset of the fixture if the magnetic-indexing circuit malfunctions(sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepping-motor is defective (or its drive circuit on. The gobos may be cleaned with a soft brush. The interior of the fixture should be cleaned at least annually using a vacuum-cleaner or an air-jet. The dichroic colour-filters, the gobo-wheel and the internal lenses should be cleaned monthly. To ensure a proper function of the gobo-wheel, we recommend lubrication in six month intervals. Pour assurer un bon fonctionnement, sans danger, l'utilisateur doit suivre les instructions contenues dans ce mode d'emploi.Toujours mettre hors tension avant de mettre en place l'ampoule.Fixez les cerrage Quick-Lock.Pressez la touche Up ou Down pour mouver dans le menu principal. Le shutter ouvre et vous pouvez ajuster la lampe individuellement.Este aparato ha salido de nuestro establecimiento en absolutas perfectas condiciones.Por favor, lee el manual del usuario del controlador usado. El shutter se abre y Vd.
It is perfectly suited for festivals and rock shows. Thanks to its unobtrusive, flicker free operation, the moving head can also be used in quiet surroundings like theaters and TV studios. This way, it offers absolute flexibility. Each LED can be controlled individually. The device is controlled by DMX or Art-Net. Thanks to its Infinity function, the moving head can move endlessly in PAN or TILT direction. Its motorized zoom and the Infinity function make the spot absolutely flexible. The new PHS-210 will follow this tradition with an updated technology. According to this approach, comfortable working with smaller-sized DMX controllers is still possible. The device’s design has been carefully adapted to that of its “big brother” PHS-280. An optional upload box enables easy software updates via DMX link. According to that, the 56 programmed scenes surely don’t come amiss. Thanks to the spot’s low weight of less than 20 kilos it makes only modest demands of mechanics of respective event locations. Features: So we met the wishes of our customers and ordered a final shipment. So, take this unique opportunity and order your Futurelight PHS-280. The delivery will start around June. Please do not offer the downloaded file for sell only use it for personal usage. Looking for other manual? For this no need registration. May be help you to repair. You could suffer a fatal electrical shock. Instead, contact your nearest service center. Note! To open downloaded files you need acrobat reader or similar pdf reader program. In addition, Also some files are djvu so you need djvu viewer to open them. These free programs can be found on this page: needed progs If you use opera you have to disable opera turbo function to download file. If you cannot download this file, try it with CHROME or FIREFOX browser. Sziasztok! Erdeklodnek, hasznal ilyet Valaki?:g:PlAAAOSwcwhVJ7yX Vagy tudtok jobbat az Alirol, Ebayrol. Nem vilagos, hogy miert, es az sem, hogy elotte meg mukodott-e.
You can leave every mode by pressing the Exit-button. The functions provided are described in the following sections. Default settings shaded.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean. The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. The new PHS-210 will follow this tradition with an updated technology. It is available from now on. The mechanic dimmer forms another upgrade. The number of LED channels, however, has been kept at moderate dimensions. Eleven are only three DMX channels more than the predecessor offered. According to this approach, comfortable working with smaller-sized DMX controllers is still possible. The device’s design has been carefully adapted to that of its “big brother” PHS-280. An optional upload box enables easy software updates via DMX link. According to that, the 56 programmed scenes surely don’t come amiss. Thanks to the spot’s low weight of less than 20 kilos it makes only modest demands of mechanics of respective event locations. Features: Reliability and performance with Moving-Heads. In addition to DMH-150 and DMH-160 also include PLB-280 and various devices of the EYE series for a durable equipment. The company uses the LED-powered moving heads among other things for concerts and gala events, where perfect production of light are used to create expressive images. Positive technically feedbacks signals that the moving heads of the light producer do not have hide behind the global players. Not only for the object but also for the service. Battner will also continue the focus on Futurelight in the future: “A few devices had some minor flaws. These were repaired immediatly or replaced quickly. The service for the systems is fast and reliable.” The color wheel offers 8 dichroitic colors. A rotating 3-facet prism and two gobo wheels provide for variety; one is equipped with 7 rotating, indexable and quickly changeable gobos, the other one with 7 static gobos. Both gobo wheels can be used in combination.
blue light on the remote control lights up and the search field 1 - Press TV GUIDE and select a future or ongoing. Do you have a question about the Futurelight DJ-Scan this way other users are able to provide.Futurelight PHS-200 Pro TheStarlightonline. Loading. Unsubscribe from TheStarlightonline. PHW-250 Flood Light pdf manual download. Weitere Produkte aus dem FUTURELIGHT-Sortiment.Keep the instructions handy for future reference. After recording 200 files which exceed 2GB Mobile phones, PHS, TV sets, and radios use different frequencies than the voice recorder.FUTURELIGHT PHS-200 PRO-Head Spot Discolandvideo. - Manual focus Futurelight MH660 - Duration:. Please take notice of the user manuals and latest information which can be downloaded from. FUTURELIGHT PHS-260.FUTURELIGHT ist eine eingetragene Marke der Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH, Deutschland. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, PLEASE READ THIS USER MANUAL CAREFULLY.On this page you find the Futurelight DJ-Scan 600 manual. Do you have a question about the Futurelight DJ-Scan this way other users are able to provide. You can use this tool to change your cookie preferences. Ok Privacy Policy. Log in to Search the Forum for help. Learn more about using FreeStyler at the FreeStyler WIKI HERE Learn more about DMX in General at The DMX Wiki HERE if all else fails and you need a fixture consider the fixture building service HERE. BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG USER MANUAL MODE D'EMPLOI MANUAL DEL USUARIO DJ-SCAN 260 DMX-Scanner Posez votre question ici. Fournissez une description claire et complete du probleme et de votre question. Plus votre probleme et votre question sont detailles, plus il sera facile pour les autres proprietaires du DJ-Scan 260 de la marque Futurelight de repondre correctement a votre question. Poser une question A propos de Futurelight DJ-Scan 260 Ce manuel appartient a la categorie Machines a effets et a ete evalue par 1 personnes avec une moyenne de 7.4.
Ce manuel est disponible dans les langues suivantes: Francais, Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol. Vous avez une question sur le DJ-Scan 260 de la marque Futurelight ou avez-vous besoin d’aide. Posez votre question ici Specifications du DJ-Scan 260 de la marque Futurelight ModesdEmploi.fr vous permet de trouver le manuel que vous recherchez en un rien de temps.Chaque jour, nous ajoutons les derniers manuels afin que vous trouviez toujours le produit que vous recherchez.ModesdEmploi. fr Si vous continuez a utiliser ce dernier, nous considererons que vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. En savoir plus Ok. BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG USER MANUAL MODE D'EMPLOI MANUAL DEL USUARIO DJ-SCAN 260 DMX-Scanner If you are here, it was rather the case. However, you are not the only person having problems with keeping the operation manual of all household devices. Below are few guidelines regarding how and why you should collect the product manuals. These differ from each other with the amount of information we can find on a given device: e.g. Futurelight DJ-Scan 260. However, we believe that the manuals should include the most important and needed information about Futurelight DJ-Scan 260, not to discourage the user to read. Obviously, if a device Futurelight DJ-Scan 260 has multiple advanced functions, we will not avoid a high amount of information in this document. Then, it will be much easier to find it than look through the purchase boxes which have already been thrown away by you or any other of household members. It will be enough to clear the drawer once in a year and throw away any manuals of the devices you do not use anymore. Thus, you can avoid storing any unnecessary documents and keep only those which are valid. You can also download and print the manual Futurelight DJ-Scan 260 to place it in your drawer. BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG USER MANUAL MODE D'EMPLOI MANUAL DEL USUARIO DJ-SCAN 260 DMX-Scanner Prohibida toda reproduc cion.
A vedofoldon kivul harom vezetek jon ki belole.Addig nem akarom a 220V-ra kapcsolni, amig nem tudom, mit, hova. Tudna valaki segiteni. KoszonetteL. AttilaA tema cime tartalmazza a hibas eszkoz markajat es tipusat. Szinten tartalmazza roviden a problemat.Felfuggesztett allapotban nem tudnak masok addig hozzaszolni, amig ki nem javitod a cimet.Sziasztok. Kaptam ajandekba egy Midea MS12-Fu-12hrdn1-p1-qrc8gwA keszulek tobb mint 2 klimast is megjart javithatatlannak minositettek igy kerult hozzam.Az eddigi kutakodasomnak az eredmenye F4 hibakod Kulteri egyseg Eprom tartalom hiba. Javitasi tippkent kaptam tobb helyrol, tanacsot azota,csereljek panelt es kesz jo lesz. Egyreszt nem talaltam sehol hozza vezerlo panelt, masreszt gondolom ha lenne is azt aranyarban mernek. Most mivel anyagi vonzata minimalis, kiserletezhetek vele a magam karara, vagy hasznara. A Kulteriben ket EEprom is talalhato 24C04WP ennek a tapja 4,89 V.Van egy masik is az BR24C08 ennek a tapja 3,25 V. Rendelkezem egy Willpro SP2005 os programozoval. Anelkul hogy kiforrasztanam az Eepromokat ki lehet e ezzel a programozoval olvasni a tartalmukat. Vagy esetleg csak kiforrasztva. Csinaltam mar hozza adaptert.Minden nemu tanacsot meghallgatnek a tapasztalt kollegaktol !Keresek ilyen packot. Hol lehet ilyet, vagy csak egy cellat ehhez szerezni. Koszi Similar manuals: You can write in English language into the forum (not only in Hungarian). Subscribe to our free newsletter Request a new review The brightness is comparable to that of the example MAC 250 Krypton. The two gobo wheels allow multiple possibilities, not to mention the prism. But good overall this lyre is very satisfactory and I recommend it because the price is interesting. Did you find this review helpful? yes no By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Find out more. FUTURELIGHT.On this page you find all the products from Futurelight.By continuing, you accept the cookie use. More information.Vraag over de Futurelight PHS-200.
Zorg voor een duidelijke omschrijving.PHS-200 PRO-Head Spot - FUTURELIGHT - Steinigke Showtechnic. Download the document or ask other users about Futurelight PHS-750E.FUTURELIGHT EUROLITE TS-5 User Manual.Handleiding van een Futurelight product. Hier vindt je de handleiding die je zoekt in onze catalogus met meer dan 300.000 gratis handleidingen. Sie haben hiermit. This is only a part of all available panels. All available panels will be shipped on the product.6.2.1 Auto-read MTZ file; 6.2.2 Reading CIF data; 6.2.3 Reading PHS data This document is the Coot User Manual, giving an overview of the interactive features. In the future this may simply be the same directory in which refmac looks to find (set-add-terminal-residue-n-phi-psi-trials 200) will change the number. Bekijk de handleiding van van de Futurelight PHS-200 meteen gratis op ManualsCat.DJ-SCAN 200 Lighting Equipment pdf manual download. Also for: Dj-scan 250. Lighting Equipment Future light PHS-200 User Manual. Pro-head-spot (71.Future light PHS-200 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Future light PHS-200 User Manual. Sehen Sie sich hier die Bedienungsanleitung des Produktes sofort und kostenlos.The Official FreeStyler DMX Community Support Forum.Pro-Head-Spot. PHS-200 Lighting Equipment pdf manual download.USER MANUAL MODE D'EMPLOI MANUAL DEL USUARIO CP-256 DMX-Controller FUTURELIGHT MIRACLE HMI 1200 W lighting effect 51832092 FUTURELIGHT CC-150 color-changer 51832100.YouTube Premium Loading. Get YouTube without the ads. Working. No thanks 1 month free. Find out why Close. Lyres futurelight phs 200.wmv Marilys123. View online or download Future light DJ-COLOR 200 User Manual. AtmosFear Hex Jet CenterLine Lighting. CL3 LED Moving Futurelight. Color Wave. WE MOVED!!! New address (effective Feb. 2014).You can find the instructions for mounting the TV stand in the Quick Start VESA MIS-F 200x200, M6 (min.: 15mm, max.
Seien Sie besonders vorsichtig beim Umgang mit gefahrlicher Netzspannung. Bei die- ser Spannung konnen Sie einen lebensgefahrlichen elektrischen Schlag erhalten. Dieses Gerat hat das Werk in sicherheitstechnisch einwandfreiem Zustand verla ssen. Verwenden Sie das Gerat nicht bei Gewitter. Uber spannung konnte das Ge rat zerstoren. Das Gerat bei Gewitter allpolig vom Netz trennen (Netzste cker ziehen). Lampe nur bei ausgeschaltetem Gerat einsetzen. Lampen mit einer hoheren Leistung ent- wickeln hohere Temperatu ren, fur die das Gerat nicht ausgelegt ist. Bei Zuwi derhandlungen erlischt die Ga- rantie.Hang en Sie das Ende in dem Schnellver- schlussglied ein und ziehen Sie die Sich erungsmutter gut fest. Der maximale Fallabstand darf 20 cm nicht uberschreiten. Die Gerate werden ansonsten nicht bz w. nicht korrekt funktionieren. Dabei hat jeder DMX - Kanal eine andere Belegung mit verschiedene n Eigen schaften. Allmahliches Einstellen des Spiegels bei la ngsamen Schieben des Reglers (0-255, 128-Mitte). Der Spiegel kann an jeder ge wunschten Einstellung ang ehalten werden. Keep this device away from rain and moisture. For your own safety, please read this user manual car efully before y ou initial start-up. Be careful with your operations. With a dangerous voltage you can suffer a dangerous electric shock when touching the wires. This device has left our premises in absolutely pe rfect condition. Reduced insulation can cause mort al elect rical shock. Thi s is especially valid for metal parts. Make sure that the area below the installation pl ace is blocked when rigging, deriggin g or servicing the fixture. Always fix the fixture with an appropriate safety-rope. Only install the lamp with the device switched off. Unplug from mains before. Step 2: Unscrew the fixation screws A, B of the lamp system and carefully remove it from the hou sing. Procedure: The projector should be installed outsid e areas where persons may wal k by or be seated.
Set the re spective Slave-mode for all slave-devices. Please note: The function N3N is only meant for service - purposes. Please do only use this function if you want to set the unit sho rtly into standby mode. If you wish to connect DMX-control lers with other XLR-outputs, you need to use adapter-cables. Gradual mirror adjustment from one end of t he slider to the other (0 -255, 128-center). The mirror can be stopped at any position you wish. Before replacing the fuse, unplug mains lead. Procedure: Step 1: Open the fuseholder on the rearpanel with a fitting screwd river. Step 2: Remove the old fuse from the fuseholder. Proteger de l'humidite. Debrancher avant d’ouvrier le boitier. Pour votre propre securite, v euillez lire ce mode d'emploi avec attention avant la premiere mise en service. Soyez prudent, lors de manipulations electriques avec une tension dangereuse vous etes soumis a des risques d'electrocution. Cet appareil a quitte les ateliers dan s un etat irreprochable. Cet appareil ne peut etre mis en service qu 'a une al titude entre -20 et 2000 m au -dessus du niveau de la mer. T oujours mettre hors tension avant de mettre en place l'ampoule. Debrancher avant toute manipulation. Pas 2: Devissez les vis de fixation A, B du systeme de lampe et retirez-le. Pas 3: Quand vous remplacez une lampe, reti rez la lampe defectueuse avant. Choississe z le mode Slave respectif pou r les appareils slave. Veuillez respecter: La fonction N3N est seulement concue pour la mai ntenance de l'appareil. Ajuster le miroir peu a peu en poussa nt l entement le regulateur (0-255, 128-center ). Vous pouvez arreter le miroir a la position desiree. Avant le remplacement du fusible debranc her l'appareil. Procedure: Pas 1: Ouvriez le porte-fusible au dos d e l'appareil avec un tournevis et le retirer du boitier. Desconectar de la corriente antes de abrir la caja! ? ?PRECAUCION! POR SU PROPIA SEGURIDAD, POR FAVOR LEA ESTE MA NUAL DEL USUARIO DETE NIDAMENTE ANTES DE LA CONEXION INICIAL.
Con un voltaje peligroso puede sufrir una peligrosa descarga electrica al tocar los cables! ?PRECAUCION! Este aparato ha salid o de nuestro establecimiento en ab solutas perfectas condicion es. No toque la caja del aparato durante su opera cion (la caja se caliente ). No permita el manejo a pe rsonas que no conocen el aparato lo suficientem ente bien. La mayoria de los danos son causad os por manejo inadecuado de inexpertos. Para la instalacion, Vd. Paso 2: Desatornille los tornillos de fijacion A, B del sistema de lampara y quitelo. Note: La funccion N3N es solo disenado por uso s de servicio. Solo activar esta funcio n cuando quiere brevemente para el funcionamiento d el proyector. La conexion se efectua mediante clavijas y conectores XLR tripol ares. La ocupacion de la conexion XLR es: Cuando Vd.Usted puede manejarlo sin controlador ya que el DJ-SCAN 26 0 lleva un microf ono incorporado, que le pr ovee de control de sonido automatico. Antes de reemplazar el fusible desenchufar el cable de la red. Procedimiento: Paso 1: Abrir el portafusible s del panel trasero con un destornillador adecuado. Paso 2: Sacar el fusible viejo del portafusibles.
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